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Government's propaganda wheels coming off

25 Oct 2021 at 15:20hrs | Views
The exhibition of lies, disinformation, misinformation and malice are major political diodes driving Zanu PF's propaganda machines.

Zanu PF government has the tendency of always majoring on lies and creating false narratives whenever it is found wanting.

The people expect a government spokesperson to always stick on seeking the truth than soending acres of space in government mouth pieces trying to defend and sanitise wrong acts.

In this modern era of high technololgy of smart phones, a government which thrives on shoving all of its propaganda to the public will risk facing an extinction and stiff resistance.

This kind of drama creeping in our government communication offices is a cause of concern. They keep on sweeping lies under the carpet of propaganda.

Itai Dzamara's abduction was deemed to be stage managed till he disappeared from the face of earth and up to now the same government cannot give the people answers.

Chigumba was punched to pulp right before our eyes in the aftermath of the election results , something that was taken as a staged occasion.

That clueless Obert Mpofu confidently  uttered that MDC-Alliance deployed snipers on city's tall buildings who shot at the demonstrators at 45 degrees angle whereas there was real Zimbabwe military which was deployed and killed seven innocent civilians.

Cecilia Chimbiri,  Joana Mamombe and Netsai Marova were abducted for two days at an anti-government protest in May 2020 and were later found dumped in Bindura. The state alleged that the trio were not abducted and that the story was well dramatised.

An assassination attempt last week on MDC -Alliance President Nelson Chamisa who has been travelling across the country during his meet the people tour is also said to have been stage managed.

Videos of Zanu PF supporters ,old ladies and youths barricading roads band singing revolutionary songs  were recorded and went viral on social media but still the government denied that there were no such incidents happening in the country.

Zanu PF sees drama, skits and stunts in every dirty game they play against the citizens of Zimbabwe.

As the country builds up to 2023 elections we are going to see more dramas being cooked. This is not very new. The opposition must brace up for more dramas.

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Twitter - @Leokoni

Source - Leonard Koni
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