Opinion / Columnist
All Zimbabweans need a mandatory customer service training
09 Oct 2012 at 18:03hrs | Views

I am exceedingly excited that Bulawayo has yet proven to be on the lead this time on business citing the call to train customer service ethics to Kombis. I do not know how best I can thank Bulawayo for this realization However, I wish to ask Bulawayo Fathers to stretch their invention to all sectors that deal with the public service. These are shop keepers, Police, Home Affairs (Birth and Passports), School enrollment, Zesa, Kombis, and Bulawayo City Council itself.
I visited Bulawayo for two months last June and I was shocked by the level of ethics decay in my beloved country.
I love Bulawayo for being a leader in politics of all Zimbabwean changes since 1890. Everything that starts in Bulawayo works. The liberation of Zimbabwe started in Bulawayo, the opposition to the political rot in Zimbabwe started in Bulawayo, and now the quarantine of rot of business ethics has started. It will be a success.
Shop keepers in Zimbabwe display an angry unfriendly superior attitude towards a customer who is supposed to be "always right". It's only in Zimbabwe where this attitude is displayed and it was no like that twenty years ago.
ZRP, who are public servants have become the accuser, the punisher, the judge, the thief, the murderer, and no one supervises them. ZRP are thieves who are supervised by other thieves thus why corruption will never die. Not even a single Zimbabwean policeman is worthy for the job now in Zimbabwe. Actually, in terms of a healthy World competitive law, all ZRP must be send to prison for being members of a criminal institution. Chihuri himself does not deserve to be a free man on the street of any law dependant country in the planet. Imagine a country where a crime has to be reported to a criminal? Really imagine? This is what Zimbabwe has become. If one cant trust a policeman in his country, who else can one trust.
Please remember the Gaddaffi style of Governance. A Governance where who ever breaks the law is allowed to live freely as long as he did not threaten Gaddafi's party. The decay of law produced Libyan brand of lawless youth who sodomised Gaddaffi with a stick on his rectum before shooting him. Joshua Nkomo prophesised in London 1983 that one day, Zimbabwe would have lawless youth who would revolt against Mugabe. On that year Tsvangirai was a loyal Zanu member who supported Gukurahundi and would kill anyone who acted against Zanu.
Ethics rot started with people who were called "SHEFU" in 1983 and now it has become a culture that identifies a Zimbabwean from the rest of the World. At Home Affairs birth and Passports, the public servants there have become little gods. An example of a man called Frank at Bulawayo passports office. Any serious enquirer is challenged to go and see the arrogance of that man. Very funny enough, especially for Zimbabwe who claim to be pioneers of racism, this Frank treats people like toys and once he sees a White customer, he shows his inferior upbringing. No White or Asian man stands in the passports queue in Bulawayo. Sue me if I am lying, my name is Ryton Dzimiri. Even in Harare Makombe house, no White man or Asian stands in the queue for ten hours only to be told that you cant get what you want. They come, get their passports from inside offices and go. Only the liberated get roasted in the sun for up to thirteen hours. People travel from as far away as from Bulawayo to be told that they cant get basic statutory documents.
Schools who should be teaching ethics have joined Zanla administrative culture introduced by Morris Nyagumbo. At least Nyagumbo committed suicide in remorse. Today there is no remorse, remorse died in 1982. Now we are lawless like Gaddafi Libyans. Thus why President Mugabe cannot enjoy the freedom to take a stroll with his wife and kids shopping in Harare central. He will die and he knows it. But he still claims that the people love him.
It all starts with one ministry operating openly against the law and against ethics, it spills to the nation corroding our once high national standards. Primary, Secondary and even NUST University use unethical criteria and corruption to admit students. They are supposed to teach ethics but they teach and produce criminals. Charity begins at home.
Zesa has been told many times to be fair, but they keep operating in the science of black market. They charge what they want.
PTC, now called Telcom has lost National appeal because of loss of ethics. In 2009, Telcom Bulawayo send my mother a telephone bill of US$4 000.00. This is less than the bill that the White House got in America. Rhodesian PTC had a law that a domestic property should have its phone line cut off once the bill is higher than the minimum wage of the country. The minimum wage in 2009 was US$20.00. How did Telcom let a residential house have a bill of more than $21,00 in 2009? How did it get to $50,00 $100,00 or $1000.00? What about $4 000.00? This shows that the directors of that service studied in corrupt Universities that teach Morris Nyagumbo Zimbabwean Hero ethics. As a result, nobody wants Telcom in their house. These are the results of Zimbabwean Hero inferior ethics.
Econet does not have Ndebele speaking service advisors in Bulawayo. They all speak Shona in Bulawayo. Imagine running a company that communicates in Ndebele only in central Harare? What ethics are those. Clive Musiyiwa studied in Leicester United Kingdom. He knows that although Britain is composed of Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales, you cant run a Barclays Bank that communicates in Welsh only in Leicester. But, still with his good education, loss of ethics lets him deploy Shona service advisors in the centre of Bulawayo.
Bulawayo City Council needs to immediately fire its chief Engineer and employ an Engineer who was trained in a country where universities train quality service and proper ethics. The Bulawayo City Council Engineer, like Chihuri is supposed to be in jail where criminals belong. When you call yourself an engineer and you have no ethics but you have a salary and a responsibility, then you are a criminal.
There is no Health and Safety in Bulawayo. It ended with the Ian Smith Government in 1980. Road signs fall in the city centre and they are left like that to injure people. The city engineer grew up in rural areas and he does not have an idea about his responsibilities. No one in the city council has even noticed that rot. They are fast to see the need to train Kombi conductors and yet their deficiencies are pathological. Along Selborne Street where the beautiful Centenary Park used to be, Econet has been allowed to install a big billboard. You cant see Ascort, the Pride of Bulawayo from the City Centre. Worse more, ECONET HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO BLOCK A PARTHWAY WITH THE RUBBLE IT DUG OFF TO INSTALL THAT BILL BOAD. What kind of an engineer is the Bulawayo City Engineer? I tripped and fell and got injured on that rubble. I have never fallen from a Kombi, Kombi loss of ethics is better than Bulawayo city Council because at least it wont kill you. This Engineer deserves jail. I heard stories about Bulawayo Citizens who fell on manholes in Bulawayo because the Engineer was trained by Universities whose other main subject is "UNDO ALL CIVILISED ETHICS AND REVERT TO THE STONE AGE ERA"
Those very old car parking meters that were installed by Gargfield Todd in 1957 are now beginning to rot and fall off as a result of lack of maintenance. Their residues on the concrete are rusted, sharp and rusted. The City engineer who shows no minimum Engineering responsibility does not believe that it is his sole responsibility to order the professional grinding off of those poles. This Engineer and his Council allocate wages to themselves taken from my money for doing nothing. That Engineer does not deserve to be sacked only he also deserves jail for gross negligence.
He cant claim that his incompetence is caused by the Council's lack of funds, no, the example of Econet rubble in Bulawayo Centenary Park is one clear example that his only duty was to fine Econet a million dollars for leaving rubble in an urban area for such a long time. The chief Engineer's own incompetence is to blame and I wonder why he is still there.
Bulawayo City has done so well to see the rot in Bulawayo and they must not shy away from looking at their own deficiencies and pathological rot
I visited Bulawayo for two months last June and I was shocked by the level of ethics decay in my beloved country.
I love Bulawayo for being a leader in politics of all Zimbabwean changes since 1890. Everything that starts in Bulawayo works. The liberation of Zimbabwe started in Bulawayo, the opposition to the political rot in Zimbabwe started in Bulawayo, and now the quarantine of rot of business ethics has started. It will be a success.
Shop keepers in Zimbabwe display an angry unfriendly superior attitude towards a customer who is supposed to be "always right". It's only in Zimbabwe where this attitude is displayed and it was no like that twenty years ago.
ZRP, who are public servants have become the accuser, the punisher, the judge, the thief, the murderer, and no one supervises them. ZRP are thieves who are supervised by other thieves thus why corruption will never die. Not even a single Zimbabwean policeman is worthy for the job now in Zimbabwe. Actually, in terms of a healthy World competitive law, all ZRP must be send to prison for being members of a criminal institution. Chihuri himself does not deserve to be a free man on the street of any law dependant country in the planet. Imagine a country where a crime has to be reported to a criminal? Really imagine? This is what Zimbabwe has become. If one cant trust a policeman in his country, who else can one trust.
Please remember the Gaddaffi style of Governance. A Governance where who ever breaks the law is allowed to live freely as long as he did not threaten Gaddafi's party. The decay of law produced Libyan brand of lawless youth who sodomised Gaddaffi with a stick on his rectum before shooting him. Joshua Nkomo prophesised in London 1983 that one day, Zimbabwe would have lawless youth who would revolt against Mugabe. On that year Tsvangirai was a loyal Zanu member who supported Gukurahundi and would kill anyone who acted against Zanu.
Ethics rot started with people who were called "SHEFU" in 1983 and now it has become a culture that identifies a Zimbabwean from the rest of the World. At Home Affairs birth and Passports, the public servants there have become little gods. An example of a man called Frank at Bulawayo passports office. Any serious enquirer is challenged to go and see the arrogance of that man. Very funny enough, especially for Zimbabwe who claim to be pioneers of racism, this Frank treats people like toys and once he sees a White customer, he shows his inferior upbringing. No White or Asian man stands in the passports queue in Bulawayo. Sue me if I am lying, my name is Ryton Dzimiri. Even in Harare Makombe house, no White man or Asian stands in the queue for ten hours only to be told that you cant get what you want. They come, get their passports from inside offices and go. Only the liberated get roasted in the sun for up to thirteen hours. People travel from as far away as from Bulawayo to be told that they cant get basic statutory documents.
Schools who should be teaching ethics have joined Zanla administrative culture introduced by Morris Nyagumbo. At least Nyagumbo committed suicide in remorse. Today there is no remorse, remorse died in 1982. Now we are lawless like Gaddafi Libyans. Thus why President Mugabe cannot enjoy the freedom to take a stroll with his wife and kids shopping in Harare central. He will die and he knows it. But he still claims that the people love him.
It all starts with one ministry operating openly against the law and against ethics, it spills to the nation corroding our once high national standards. Primary, Secondary and even NUST University use unethical criteria and corruption to admit students. They are supposed to teach ethics but they teach and produce criminals. Charity begins at home.
Zesa has been told many times to be fair, but they keep operating in the science of black market. They charge what they want.
PTC, now called Telcom has lost National appeal because of loss of ethics. In 2009, Telcom Bulawayo send my mother a telephone bill of US$4 000.00. This is less than the bill that the White House got in America. Rhodesian PTC had a law that a domestic property should have its phone line cut off once the bill is higher than the minimum wage of the country. The minimum wage in 2009 was US$20.00. How did Telcom let a residential house have a bill of more than $21,00 in 2009? How did it get to $50,00 $100,00 or $1000.00? What about $4 000.00? This shows that the directors of that service studied in corrupt Universities that teach Morris Nyagumbo Zimbabwean Hero ethics. As a result, nobody wants Telcom in their house. These are the results of Zimbabwean Hero inferior ethics.
Econet does not have Ndebele speaking service advisors in Bulawayo. They all speak Shona in Bulawayo. Imagine running a company that communicates in Ndebele only in central Harare? What ethics are those. Clive Musiyiwa studied in Leicester United Kingdom. He knows that although Britain is composed of Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales, you cant run a Barclays Bank that communicates in Welsh only in Leicester. But, still with his good education, loss of ethics lets him deploy Shona service advisors in the centre of Bulawayo.
Bulawayo City Council needs to immediately fire its chief Engineer and employ an Engineer who was trained in a country where universities train quality service and proper ethics. The Bulawayo City Council Engineer, like Chihuri is supposed to be in jail where criminals belong. When you call yourself an engineer and you have no ethics but you have a salary and a responsibility, then you are a criminal.
There is no Health and Safety in Bulawayo. It ended with the Ian Smith Government in 1980. Road signs fall in the city centre and they are left like that to injure people. The city engineer grew up in rural areas and he does not have an idea about his responsibilities. No one in the city council has even noticed that rot. They are fast to see the need to train Kombi conductors and yet their deficiencies are pathological. Along Selborne Street where the beautiful Centenary Park used to be, Econet has been allowed to install a big billboard. You cant see Ascort, the Pride of Bulawayo from the City Centre. Worse more, ECONET HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO BLOCK A PARTHWAY WITH THE RUBBLE IT DUG OFF TO INSTALL THAT BILL BOAD. What kind of an engineer is the Bulawayo City Engineer? I tripped and fell and got injured on that rubble. I have never fallen from a Kombi, Kombi loss of ethics is better than Bulawayo city Council because at least it wont kill you. This Engineer deserves jail. I heard stories about Bulawayo Citizens who fell on manholes in Bulawayo because the Engineer was trained by Universities whose other main subject is "UNDO ALL CIVILISED ETHICS AND REVERT TO THE STONE AGE ERA"
Those very old car parking meters that were installed by Gargfield Todd in 1957 are now beginning to rot and fall off as a result of lack of maintenance. Their residues on the concrete are rusted, sharp and rusted. The City engineer who shows no minimum Engineering responsibility does not believe that it is his sole responsibility to order the professional grinding off of those poles. This Engineer and his Council allocate wages to themselves taken from my money for doing nothing. That Engineer does not deserve to be sacked only he also deserves jail for gross negligence.
He cant claim that his incompetence is caused by the Council's lack of funds, no, the example of Econet rubble in Bulawayo Centenary Park is one clear example that his only duty was to fine Econet a million dollars for leaving rubble in an urban area for such a long time. The chief Engineer's own incompetence is to blame and I wonder why he is still there.
Bulawayo City has done so well to see the rot in Bulawayo and they must not shy away from looking at their own deficiencies and pathological rot
Source - Rayton Dzimiri
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