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The letter of deceit

14 Nov 2021 at 23:27hrs | Views
Prodigious things always happen. Reading the letter which Emerson Mnangagwa wrote to Zimbabweans and published on the 9th of November 2017 after he had been dismissed from both government and party is a deceitful one as methinks he wanted to woe people to his side.

It clearly states that he wants to build a new Zimbabwe that would be free, tolerant to divergent views and an economy capable of assisting all not only a few G40 cabals without liberation credentials.

Now he has been in power for three years since penning the emotional missive, but alas he does not tolerate divergent views as opposition activists are tortured, arrested and not given space to operate.

The economy is for him and his cabal led by the naughty and mischievous Kuda Tagwirei of Sakunda Holdings, who has gone to purchase the two biggest and mostly supported football clubs, Dynamos Football Club and Highlanders Football Club.

The economy is only benefiting a few close allies who helped him get to power since the toppling of former autocratic Robert Mugabe. His actions are now very different from the one he penned looking for support from Zimbabweans, particularly ZANU PF petimes.

However his plea was accepted by most people, businesses and the international community, but it was the horn and deceptively of the decade having got the sympathy he abused it and further went on to rig and steal the elections of August 2018.

The first deception myth was the gunning down of civilians in the capital city Harare, the former Salisbury where a loud answer clear murderous intent of his horrendous human rights record dating back to the early eighties during the genocide in Matabeleland and Midlands where over 20000unarmed  civilians were butchered in cold blood simply for being of Ndebele ethnicity and ZAPU supporting.

His record which he had advocated in his letter to be buried has continued to manifest itself in his dealings with the civic organizations, journalists, opposition activists, students and others who are not toeing his line. These have been met utmost brutality and attempted assassinations whereby the captured judiciary will just give vexatious judgement last seen during feudal times.

The November 9 letter proves to anyone and anybody that we ate at biblical Job times of saying "the most thing iam afraid of has come".

Mnangagwa has proven to be the most chicanery, nought and mischief filled receptionist who is crying for the lifting of sanctions as he is indicating left while turning right.

Phosiwe Ncube.

Source - Phosiwe Ncube
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More on: #ZANU_PF, #Zapu, #Letter