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People living with albinism need help

21 Dec 2021 at 06:56hrs | Views
Tinevimbo is an outgoing bubbling sixth-grader who finds it difficult to make friends. Most girls look at her mockingly and sometimes with utter disdain.

During break time at school, no one wants to share snacks with her or a game of skip-skip. Her crime, she is living with albinism. This condition is not a disease but just a condition that needs acceptance and 'hicare'.

People with this type of skin need special lotions to protect them from vagaries of the weather especially sunlight. These lotions do not come cheap, that said, it means many albinos from poor families are living without them which cause their skin to break and crack.

Some develop 'weeping' wounds that can hardly heal. In some communities people shun albinos preferring to keep away from them. Others associate albinism with witchcraft etc.

Where the lotions are used, albinos can have a very smooth skin and can interact, mix and mingle easily. It would be very noble if authorities would consider availing such lotions to all albinos using funds from the Aids Levy/fund. Wherever I have come across albinos I see  souls in distress, marginalized and forlorn.

It's worse in rural areas where albinism is considered a curse, that's dealing a double blow to the affected. Vitiligo is a near similar condition where some patches of the skin get whitened, sometimes the whole body turning white. Such people also need the special lotions to sooth their affected skins. Albinos need our help. They are just like you and me.

Give them the required lotions and make life easy for them. I shall not mention the flu on rampage (Dzihwamupengo). A sneeze can cause an anatomical seismic tremor leaving one a complete sorry sight.

The cough can attract a dog bark, deep and hurting. Covid is still releasing arrow after arrow, mask up and get vaccinated. Aromatherapy with Zumbani is said to help a lot. Be a prayer warrior.

Thomas Tondo Murisa. Chinehasha.

Source - Thomas Tondo Murisa. Chinehasha.
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