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What is going on in ZANU PF?

12 Jan 2022 at 10:32hrs | Views
The recent ZANU PF Provincial elections and the Provincial Coordinating Committee meetings which followed have left analysts asking the question what is going on in ZANU PF?

The provincial elections were marred with irregularities and there were several complaints of rigging and underhand dealings, but the politburo ignored those and upheld all the results. This frustrated several members of the party.

The Provincial Coordinating Committee meetings had their own share of controversy. Midlands province took the crown with a controversial meeting which cost State Security Minister Owen Mudha Ncube his job.

Insiders revealed that there are two factions within the alleged President Emmerson Mnangagwa camp who are both fighting for the soul of the party. One faction calling itself super Lacoste is headed by July Moyo who is a renowned schemer and close ally to President  Mnangagwa. The other faction is headed by Chris Mutsvangwa who has aligned himself with the likes of Joram Gumbo, Daniel Mackenzie Ncube, Mike Madiro among other Mnangagwa loyalists.

The Mutsvangwa faction currently has the upper hand as evidenced by the elevation of Chris Mutsvangwa to the post of party Spokesperson. While July Moyo is struggling to retain his job as Minister Local Government.

President Emerson Mnangagwa has reportedly summoned the Politburo to an extraordinary meeting set for the weekend. A cabinet reshuffle is anticipated after the politburo meeting.

ZANU PF is gearing for its elective congress which is likely to elect the party's candidate for the 2023 harmonized elections.

Source - Nicholas Ncube
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