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What I learnt from Africa Cup of Nations

24 Jan 2022 at 15:19hrs | Views
NUMBER 1. Those who don't kill the match usually get punished. Being the first one to score doesn't guarantee that you will win the match. If you don't score more goals to kill the match as a contest, you leave your opponent with a great chance of making his marvelous comeback from his malicious setback.

David did not relax with a glass of orange juice after knocking down Goliath with a stone.... he stepped forward to finish him off with a sword! Don't relax when things are looking good or promising in your career, ministry or project, press on! Those who prematurely over celebrate their glimpses of greatness will inevitably find themselves uncomfortably wearing the facemasks of disgrace and quarantined in the largest luxurious mansions of embarrassment!    

NUMBER 2.  Kick it out of play!

Now and then we witness defenders kicking the ball out of play when under pressure from the opponents. This gives them some time to regroup and reorganize themselves. Whenever you are overwhelmed by challenges, kick the ball out of play.... give yourself sometime to recharge and 're-fire'. You can't win many battles with depleted energy.

Those who wait upon the Lord,  renew their strength and mount up with wings like eagles.  But those who choose to deal with their enemy while still in confusion and disarray, shall fall like dry leaves in the day of battle. The enemy wants to utterly destroy you when you are weak and tired.

2Sam17:2, "I will come upon him while he is weary and weak...." Kick the ball out of play, regroup, reorganize, re-strategize, refuel, recharge and re-fire!!

NUMBER 3: The Counter-Attack!!!

Great teams are able to defend well and then quickly move from defense and start attacking, catching the enemy by surprise! Strike right back! That moment when the devil is thinking you are still under pressure or mourning your loss, pray for the strength to recover quickly and strike right back with a ferocious counterattack! Successful people also get knocked down, but they have a track record of recovering quickly from their fall and launching a counterattack.

I don't know what struck you down. Dust yourself up, it's time for a surprise counterattack.  Rise up from the ground and dust yourself up and get right back into that ring!

2 Samuel 12:20 (After losing his child) "Then David ROSE UP FROM THE GROUP, ate and anointed himself.....!"


Source - Mthokozisi Gwizi
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