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Mining Union urges parents to rally behind striking teachers

10 Feb 2022 at 06:44hrs | Views
NMWUZ - National Mine Workers' Union of Zimbabwe President Mr Kurebwa Javangwe Nomboka has since urged parents to rally behind striking teachers by not sending their children to school this first schooling term of 2022.

"I urge parents right across the country of Zimbabwe to support teachers' quest for decent work and they can do that by refusing to send their kids to school this first term until employers resolve the demands for salary adjustment and as a union representing mine workers nationwide we're herein standing in solidarity with teachers in downing tools".

Consequently, teachers in Zimbabwe have been fighting for wage adjustment above PDL - Poverty Datum Line. Employers have repeatedly failed to satisfy the salary adjustment demands of teachers across the country. This scenario has created a situation whereby the quality of education is fast- deteriorating while parents are being forced to fork out extra money to arrange their kids for extra lessons.

"All workers Unions in Zimbabwe should rally behind teachers and that as I have above must involve the contribution of parents as the improvements of teachers' working conditions will simultaneously improve on the quality of education and affordability in terms of fees and other amenities," added  Nomboka.

NMWUZ President said as a mine workers' Union it was morally right to take a diplomatic stance in standing with teachers' Unions which include ZMTA - Zimbabwe Teachers' Union, PTUZ - Progressive Teachers' Union of Zimbabwe, ARTUZ - Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe and others.

Meanwhile, NMWUZ President has hinted that employers meet the standing demands of mine workers or risk facing unending protests and strikes in 2022. This time around the Union will rope - in spouses and dependants of mine workers in all thier industrial actions of 2022.

"This time spouses and dependants will be there to minimize victimisation of mine workers and as Union President I will be in the forefront leading the protests - Amandla awethu, gore rino igore remasimba evashandi - mari kuvashandi, 2022 - year of workers' rights - decent work for the worker," said Nomboka in a Union slogan.
Mine workers are demanding thier employers to give them COVID-19 monthly allowance and salaries in USD - United States dollars that are above PDL.

Teachers have refused to go to work after Government announced the official date of commencing first school term of 2022 (February 7th).

Source - Tendai Ruben Mbofana
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