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The magic innovation CCC needs to kick out Zanu

16 Feb 2022 at 12:44hrs | Views
Innovation is a preserve for the young as the old do not know anything different from what they grew up doing. Chamisa's CCC should understand that the other word for Innovation is "Brainchild".

A child's brain does not have old information and anything a child imagines in Politics is not influenced by how Simon Muzenda was a good stooge for Mugabe during the Willogate, during Gukurahundi, during ESAP, during the death of Sally and the rise of Grace.

A child's brain does not fear consequences thus why a Brainchild is synonymous to Innovation.

CCC should punctuate their uniqueness by creating a Special  Portifolio and name it "Citizen's Special Portifolio" CSP.

This Portifolio MUST comprise of Thokozani Khupe, Savior Kasukuwere, Paul Siwela, Mutambara, Jonathan Moyo, Sibangilizwe Nkomo, Rugare Gumbo,  Grace Mugabe, Nkosana Moyo, Joyce Mujuru, Lovemore Moyo, Mqondisi Moyo, Elton Mangoma, Samuel Sipepa, Ralph Mguni and many other unexpected  Zimbabwean leaders of recognisable influence against Zanu PF.

This platform should not need to be CCC members and individuals should join if they so chose, but their major role should be to effect a convergence against Zanu destructive leadership which has eroded our country.

CCC should seek United Nations assistance to run and pay members of the "Citizen's Special Portifolio" and present them as a team for change.

Members of the Citizen's Special Portifolio should be paid USD $2000.00 salary per month to discourage them from falling bribe from Zanu saboteurs.

Members of the Citizen's Special Portifolio should be full time workers who meet three times a week to discuss National issues and propose a National Strategy which CCC leaders must debate and ratify or shoot down.

When you say "Citizen", and you say "Coalition" and you say "Change", you aught to understand what you will be meaning.

A Citizen is anyone who has a Zimbabwean lD and if Elton Mangoma has one, you are saying that he is included in your group as long as he wants to see a change from Zanu cruel rot.

When you say Coalition, you are talking about converging with someone who has divergent views from yours, but, trying to arrive at the same objective as you, and it means you are saying that Paul Siwela is included in your group, as long as he wants to see a change from Zanu cruel rot.

Change is not as bespoke as individuals think. Change is a subjective matter which even identical twins will never paint a house with the same colour. When you say "Change", you need to understand that Savior Kasukuwere and Mqondisi Moyo will work from the same platform but with different models of the Change they want.

To increase the probability of that change, Kasukuwere and Mqondisi need to support Chamisa to remove Zanu so that a flexible ear could run the country they want to change.

Killer Zhivhu of Zanu and Mbonisi Gumbo of MRP could also seek to join this project to remove Zanu so that the probability of achieving their kind of change, could be increased under the Chamisa's government.

This will give Ignatious Chombo an opportunity to get a break from Zanu factional persecution and Francis Nhema could become human again.

Chamisa Chete Chete could become a miraculous change if Chamisa became intelligent enough to refuse pressure from his own best members who might refuse to work with opponents from a diverse spectrum. It is the major and shared objective which is paramount and not individual tastes. The objective is to clean Zimbabwe of Zanu acidic Party which has reduced our country into rubble.

Source - Ryton Dzimiri
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