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Stop police brutality

19 Mar 2022 at 14:06hrs | Views
There has been spiralling of political motivated violence targeting members of the opposition. This is bad publicity for President Emmerson  Mnangagwa who is calling himself a new republic.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa must not keep quiet whilst other people are given the room to butcher other people just because they differ in political ideologies.

Honestly we have issues on the table to address such as corruption, lack of rule of law and human rights abuses, unemployment  which is hovering over 80% These are major obstacles scaring away investors.

There is no justification to resort to violence if people differ politically.

We cannot have reports of violence being perpetrated by the police who are supposed to uphold the rule of law. It is so disturbing that we now have people who are masquaranding as police officers dressed in police uniform and yet they political activists.

The police must stick to their service charter and should conduct their duties without fear or favour. They should not dabble in politics.

Whenever we go for elections there is always political violence at times caused by police conduct. Police brutality is the order of the day. The police is supposed to protect and preserve life not harassing citizens.

Ill- treating suspects in police custody just because they are wearing yellow colour is so primitive, unprofessional diabolic and medieval stone age thinking which should be condemned with the strongest terms it deserves.

The inhuman treatment and torturing of Godfrey Karembera popularly known as Madzibaba veShanduko who was detained at Harare Central Police and facing a charge of disorderly conduct for allegedly wearing yellow regalia in the central business district of Harare.

This is no doubt a clear sign of strangulation of democracy and unprofessional has no place in modern day politics.

This is completely unacceptable and uncalled for and its  degrading treatment.

The Police Commissioner Godwin Matanda just like his predecessor Augustine Chihuri has lost his lustre and it is high time he should be relieved of his duties. The Zimbabwe Republic Police has lost it's ways to serve the citizens.

We need to interrogate this kind of policing or else we are heading for disaster. The police must not resort to torture and
intimidation if you are being beaten on the ground. Those who have perpetrated this offence must face the full wrath of the law. We demand answers.

Twitter - @Leokoni

Source - Leonard Koni
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