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CCC's winning the March by-elections: a trap for 2023 general elections

29 Mar 2022 at 06:17hrs | Views
The by-elections that were handsomely achieved in favour of CCC must bamboozle young kids in the political play to think the elections were free and fair. 

What a nice trap! Zanu PF is not complaining that the 26th of March elections were rigged. Zanu PF accepted ZEC results, a design for the future general elections. CCC is drunk with this success, will be complacent until the harmonized elections of 2023. Like children, CCC will stop chasing ZEC for being biased in favour of the ruling party. Zanu and ZEC know what they are doing: they know too that they are dealing with adolescents in Zimbabwean politics, some excitable lot.If political space could allow me, I want to critique one and two things that went good and bad in CCC campaigns right up to the by elections on the 26th of March. We must accept that Chamisa has a formidable following, no doubt about that fact. The number of people who came to Chamisa's rallies replicated the by-election results. CCC won these elections resoundingly. We were excited when we saw how Chamisa struggled to speak Ndebele in Lupane, and the people cheered. I can only comment on one thing here: he was authentic. This is exactly what cheered the event at that Lupane rally. Chamisa tried and he now knows that Zimbabwe is not only a Shona nation but a country with diverse ethnic groups.

When you admire Chamisa in one minute he will crush what you admired in him the second minute he opened his mouth once more. When he talked about Gukurahundi, it was fine. But to promise reparations of Gukurahundi atrocities worth a staggering of about 100 billion US dollars was childish and typical of himself: remember his Alice in wonderland trips he makes time and again. It was very rude to promise what you know deep down in your heart it is not possible to fulfil this pledge.

The German government is faced with making similar reparations with the Herero's in Namibia; the German government is sweating over this: Now to think that Chamisa can casually offer reparations of this magnitude successfully if Germany, one of the best economies in the world are facing hardships in such matters, then we must know that Chamisa is playing around with gullible and desperate Ndebele people some of which are victims of genocide.

Chamisa does not know the magnitude of a 100 billion US dollars to be given to victims of the past as reparations from a Zimbabwe's pit-latrine economy. For this reason, Dr. Nkosana Moyo disdains joining Chamisa's CCC. He has no feeling of the value of the sum of money he is talking about. He lied openly to a Lupane constituency about the reparations regarding Gukurahundi victims. In retrospect, if Chamisa won the 2023 harmonized elections, he will give Mnangagwa a handsome retirement package for many reasons. Chamisa's winning 2023 elections is not about the people of Zimbabwe but about himself and his cronies in the top echelons of power. Chamisa is not convinced about the victims of Gukurahundi atrocities of the early independence of Zimbabwe. He uses this dark history to get Ndebele votes. The Gukurahundi victims are pawns for his great ambition; the Ndebele votes, to reside at the State House at last and never beyond.

Chamisa may be a friend to Hakainde Hichilema; the truth is these two presidents are light years apart. Hichilema will never loot state coffers because he is rich already. On the other hand, Chamisa will still need to fill his coffers and those of his inner circles. Where will the 100 billion US dollars reparations of Gukurahundi victims come from if almost all African governments have mastered a patten of developing in reverse: a good case study is South Africa's ANC today. South African ANC government is an instrument of globalist economy and not about improving the lives of the majority black population.

Apart from the civil rights to vote for ANC party to continue to loot national coffers and for this they get rewarded with crumbs of global economic players, no fundamental changes have taken place economically for the betterment of disadvantaged blacks? The Freedom Charter is chilling in Klipstown as we speak. This is a document supposed to have had its implementation in South Africa's new dispensation in 1994: other African nations would have replicated ANC's South African example of putting the disadvantaged black population first before neo-liberal international capitalism. This is a missed opportunity for the continent of Africa.

This time around, Chamisa's rallies missed his paraphrasing of Trump: "patakasangana na Trump" because he realized Zimbabweans know he never met Trump. CCC's Chamisa will win 2023 elections so that Zimbabwe's economy will be run by globalists ideologies, neo liberal economies that will, just like South Africa, shall reduce us to manual workers of global capital. The 15 billion US dollars he said Trump promised him still stinks in the nostrils of decent Zimbabwean citizens. This is the calibre of young politicians of our time: they see no evil in neo-liberal global capitalism. Has Chamisa ever sat down and really understood what Trump's politics is about and what he thinks about Africa and African generally?

Who is going to talk about Africa and its challenges in the global midst of a dangerous war right inside Europe? Regarding the war in Ukraine with Russia, the International Solidarity is losing, it is more about the war in Ukraine. Realizing voices in our socialist circles whose sentiments are shifting towards mainline western media sentiments about this hybrid war: I confess, this is scary. The NATO involvement in this media and economic conflict has been sanitized even by decent socialists' comrades. For the west to further give arms to Ukraine is to fuel the flame permanently: it is to perpetuate a dangerous war much for the benefit of the weapons industry: a war not fought by AK-47, a threat to effecting nuclear weapons has been announced, is imminent, is possible to wipe out the entire globe.

It may sound cynical to say Zelensky is an actor and Ukraine is his Platform, his stage. I wish the President of Ukraine should put the people of Ukraine first; in retrospect, he is being dictated to by Washington on how hard he must go in negotiating peace with Russia. In the meantime, the people in Ukraine are dying. Remember too that Zelensky and Hunter Biden, the son of the President of the USA, made billions of US dollars in corruption deals, looting Ukraine oil, Ukraine national revenues stashed in Panama Letters in their personal accounts.

As an African, a victim of America's CIA in their murderous activities in Africa: whoever accepts laundered money from CIA-America, you must dance to their tune forever. This is what this Ukraine war is all about and not about the people of Ukraine who have been turned into Cannon fodder by the world powers. In the mind-settings of the USA, this war must go on so that they can give their weapon industry a boost. President Zelensky does not see this evil play upon the people of Ukraine?

At such hard times we miss global revolutionaries, the likes of Che Guevara, Nelson Mandela; just to name those two, they are many. These people gave us the meaning of socialism and the dignity of mankind. Globalist ideology does not know the colour of the skin but knows the colour of the profit. Who has ever thought there can be war in Europe?  I fear for the future of the coming generations: we have messed up their future too long and too much. The climate change must not be forgotten in the scheme of things. A destruction to global climate just to feed the pockets of a few at the detriment of billion global citizens is not sustainable.

I hope that CCC Chamisa will start serious reading just to understand basic and simple facts about how the new world order has been defined. By informing himself we hope he could be a better option to what we have as current leadership of Zanu PF that is taking all of us to their graves.

Source - Nomazulu Thata
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