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Patriotic bill, a misplaced priority

14 Apr 2022 at 19:24hrs | Views
There is economic collapse in the country and people are living from hand to mouth. The government should prioritise drafting economic laws and strong economic policies that will bring success for the ordinary people than this patriotic bill.

People are more concerned with bread and butter issues. The government cannot force patriotism to a hungry person.

Whilst the country is burning and the Zimbabwean dollar hitting it's low, the parliament is adopting a motion to pass the Patriotic Bill. Misplaced priorities.

We are a country at crossroads seized with drafting bills, statutory instruments and law ammendments than South Africa which has a powerful economy than us.

Instead of crafting strong economic policies to revamp the economy which has been ravaged by corruption, the government is responding with anger and vitriol.

Patriotism is not bootlicking the President or the ruling party. The critical question we should be asking is , does pointing the weaknesses of the government unpatriotic?

A real patriot cannot be created by legislation nor any act. True patriotism ought to be an intrinsic feeling of appreciation of the good socio-economic welfare of the country and not involving in corruption and dubious means of amassing wealth. It is not supposed to be bombarded and forced to the people.

This idea of silencing activism is unpatriotic. Political activists should be allowed to operate and carry their duties without any fear, favour or being intimidated by state agents.

Enacting a draconian and repressive patriotic law is not the panacea to an economic boom but production and industrial rescucitation.

Patriotic Bill cannot be shoved to us by greedy political hoodlums who always want to keep on pillaging the country's resources for self agrandisement and protecting their loot.

A public hearing must be conducted. Church organisations, civic groups, labour unions etc should add their voices too.

Inasmuch as we want the bill, public office holders should bank their monies in Zimbabwe and stop externalisation. In addition to that corruption by public office holders should be treated as treason and face a jail term not like what we are seeing at Zanu PF government where those involved in corruption like Henrieta Rushwaya,  Obadiah Moyo are scotfree.

Those who steal from national coffers  surely must be held accountable and be punished by such a law. We can't adopt a law on patriotism just because a renowned  journalist has exposed the maladministration and misdemeanours of the state. Silencing dissenting voices in very unprofessional and unpatriotic.

Patriotism should also extend to allowing the diaspora vote and allow them to cast their votes and chose a government of their choice in the comfort of their respective areas they are.

Being patriotic is making sure that no government official should go and receive treatment outside the country but to only receive it  locally. The government must improve local health care and through promoting the local brand.

You can't talk of patriotism when you send your children to go and learn outside the country where there are very good facilities shunning poor standards locally.

Let us find ways to salvage our people from poverty and improving their lifestyles. Let's deal sternly with economic crimes like corruption rather than suffocating and decimating voice of the voiceless.

Email - Twitter - @Leokoni +27616868508

Source - Leonard Koni
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