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Why Mnangagwa has turned to Angel, Java and Makandiwa?

27 Apr 2022 at 09:38hrs | Views
With less than a year and two months before Zimbabwe holds its highly anticipated 2023 Presidential elections, President Mnangagwa has of late turned for support from self-styled Prophets and Papa's in the much flocked charismatic churches in Zimbabwe. The late former President and African strongman Robert Mugabe was usually known for flocking the white garments churches such as Mwazha Sect, Johanne Marange, Mugodhi and he could as well go as far as Zaoga and ZCC. Politically Zanu PF has managed to keep its political muscles intact through dishing large pieces of land to these denominations and most of their leaders have proclaimed their allegiance to Zanu Pf especially the likes of Ezekiel Guti, Nehemiah Mutendi, Ndanga, Wutaunashe, the Noah Taguta just to name a few.

By appointing Uebert Angel as the Ambassador at Large to the Americans and Europe, Mnangagwa made a bold move in capturing one of the most followed Zimbabwean Prophet who at one time prophesied that Zanu Pf will not be removed from power anytime soon. Considering that most of his followers in Zimbabwe are gullible and unsuspecting that this man of cloth is just after taking all their hard earned money through manipulating the gospel. His appointment was a clever move by Mnangagwa as the prophet will be used to spread propaganda through the pulpit that will cause many not to register to vote as well as loosing interest in voting at all costs, however one should bear in mind that these prophets they don't just endorse Zanu Pf without massive benefits.

Walter Magaya is undoutly a staunch Zanu Pf sympathizer, whom at one point had to part with thousands of dollars just to buy Former First lady Grace Mugabe book when the then powerful First Lady turned 50 years. In his words Prophet Magaya said he was happy to meet the First Family and he would continue to support the First Lady's philanthropic work. During his then crusade in Botswana, Prophet Magaya indicated that it was his wish to meet the then and late President Mugabe. Considering his large following at his Waterfalls base Magaya has never criticized the current regime for its violations of Human Rights either has he ever opened his mouth about the looting and corruption that is practiced by the Harare regime. He is one of these self-styled prophets who have received large chunks of land and mines at the hands of Zanu Pf, whilst thousands of his followers they are walloping in abject poverty.

Comedian and Flamboyant thief Prophet Passion Java was appointed by Mnangagwa to mislead the youths not to register to vote. Java has been campaigning for Mnangagwa and has been following the President at all Zanu Pf events. The self-styled thief has also been recruiting some popular socialist to support Mnangagwa and Robert Mugabe became his latest victim. The fake prophet has also been bankrolling local artist as to spread Mnangagwa propaganda and Roki has been one of his mouth piece through his music. The young prophet has also received his portion of hard cash as well as mining claims, while Zimbabwean hospitals have no cancer machines and thousand are dying every day.

The highly respected and teacher of the word Prophet Makandiwa became Mnangagwa's latest man of the cloth to endorse the Harare regime when Munangagwa and his Deputy Chiwenga attended his highly packed Easter Conference in Chitungwiza. Makandiwa was quoted saying "It is never the responsibility of the government to create jobs for you". The creation of an environment is their responsibility so that you and I prosper and we have that opportunity in Zimbabwe. There is something wrong with a citizen who keeps complaining and shifting blame, Makandiwa said ". However the same government he says should not create jobs has itself been promising those jobs. One hopes that religion is not going to be used by preachers, whom people are following in good faith, to shield the government from accountability and delivery of public services in line with electoral promises. The recent endorsement of Mnangagwa by Makandiwa became the final nail on all the famous pastors and preachers in Zimbabwe on which how Zanu Pf has managed to capture all of them.

However Zimbabweans should not lose sleep about how all these prophets are endorsing Mnangagwa one after the other as this is normal in a game of politics, rather Zimbabweans should continue to heed the call by renowned journalist Hopewell Chinā€˜ono to continue to register to vote in numbers.

Knowledge Hakata can be contacted on

Source - Knowledge Hakata
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