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Obert Mpofu guided by the Joshua Nkomo ethos on Gukurahundi

04 Jun 2022 at 09:23hrs | Views

Gukurahundi is definitely a painful subject to those who witnessed it and those who participated in the military operation. Everyone who is or was involved in the operation agrees that it was a painful and difficult part of Zimbabwe's history just like the liberation struggle which was equally painful and difficult to everyone.

It is unfortunate that some human rights business persons have been clinging onto the Gukurahundi debate and discussion to extract relevance, donor sympathy and funding for dragging the nation down a painful path.

The victims of the Nyadzonya and Chimoio bombings and other atrocities committed during the liberation struggle have chosen a path of silence and healing so that they move forward and build a better Zimbabwe.

It is sad that the people of Matebeleland and their suffering are used to block development agenda and discussion as we are continuously reminded of Gukurahundi by those who want to profiteer from the funding and relevance associated with Gukurahundi.

While there is need to bring finality and closure it is irrational for the people who never saw Gukurahundi to hold on to hatred , anger and pain when we can move forward , heal and grow as a unitary state in peace , love and harmony.

ZPRA cadres and those who were at the forefront of the operation have chosen healing and futuristic outlook compared to backward looking and stagnation.

It is very sad that NGOs and human rights business persons think they know better about Gukurahundi than General Valerio Sibanda , Dumiso Dabengwa, Brigadier General Mzilikazi among several other bona fide ZPRA cadres. These bona fide ZPRA cadres chose to heal and move forward to build a unitary state that is focused on unity , peace and development.

Dumiso Dabengwa while Home Affairs minister said, "Stop at once opening old wounds and digging graves of Gukurahundi past."

This sentiment when uttered by Obert Mpofu is regarded as wrong yet Obert Mpofu is merely concurring with his commanders.

Joshua Nkomo signed the unity accord not out of fear or subjugation but out of strength and love for Zimbabwe. Any and all Gukurahundi discussions should be guided by the vision , and aspirations of Zimbabwe's founding father Dr Joshua Nkomo. If the discussions are going to be hijacked by human rights business persons and chaos-preneurs then we are not going to move forward as a nation.

The wounds of the past should be healed by economic progress and development. Our kids will not inherit painful memories of Gukurahundi and debates on who was right or who was wrong, our children must inherit economic prosperity, development , unity and love.

Zimbabwe is a beautiful nation with a painful past and a very bright future. It is up to us to choose which reality we want to live in . Do we live in the reality of the past and the divisions thereof or do we live in the reality of a United and prosperous Zimbabwe which is home and motherland to us all.

Obert Mpofu has chosen to look to the future guided by the footsteps of Dr Joshua Nkomo and Dumiso Dabengwa. No one can claim to be more qualified to speak on gukurahundi greater than the voice of Joshua Nkomo.

All Gukurahundi discussions should be guided by the spirit of Joshua Nkomo, a man who wanted a United Zimbabwe , a successful Zimbabwe and a prosperous nation enjoyed by everyone , anywhere in peace and tranquility.

Long live the spirit and vision of Joshua Nkomo.

Thabo Nkiwane
Political Analyst

Source - Thabo Nkiwane
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