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Mnangagwa, Chamisa must find each other

17 Jun 2022 at 03:30hrs | Views
OR the better part of this week, Chitungwiza, especially Nyatsime, resembled a warzone.

One would be forgiven to think that the community is party of Ukraine's Donbas region given the heightened political tension in the area.

Property worth thousands of dollars was destroyed as ruling Zanu-PF youths and opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) youths fought in running battles.

Several people were left nursing injuries.

The police have arrested Zengeza West MP Job Sikhala and his Chitungwiza North  counterpart Godfrey Sithole following that fracas that ensued at Moreblessing Ali's memorial service.

The two CCC MPs were some of the local leaders who led Ali's search mission.

Ali was abducted and murdered and her remains were recovered from a well in Manyame on Saturday.

It is almost a year before the 2023 elections and the country is now embroiled in the tussle between the two major political parties — Zanu-PF and CCC.

It is unfortunate that while CCC leader Nelson Chamisa went to Chitungwiza and denounced violence, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has remained mum over the matter.

It is high time Mnangagwa reins in his party supporters who are causing terror in Chitungwiza and rural areas. It is clear that Zimbabwe has a political problem which emanated from the disputed 2018 elections and now the ordinary person in the streets is bearing the brunt. The country cannot afford another disputed election in 2023.

The people are now suffering as commodity prices have been hiked beyond the reach of many. The future looks bleak unless political parties find each other.

The only way forward now is for Mnangagwa to humble himself and find Chamisa to solve this political and economic logjam.

As things stand, Chamisa has nothing to lose, but all the problems facing the country point to the ruling party  candidate, Mnangagwa.

We all know it can be difficult for Mnangagwa, but he has to be gentle enough to swallow his pride and face reality so that the country can move forward.
Mwana Wevhu

Source - NewsDay Zimbabwe
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