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Mliswa was right, the buck stops with Mnangagwa

20 Jun 2022 at 01:42hrs | Views
DEAR Temba Mliswa,

Thank you for your straight talk on various political matters.

I enjoyed your interview with Blessed Mhlanga on HStv in which you pointed out that as the first citizen responsible for Cabinet decisions, President Emmerson Mnangagwa should periodically reshuffle his team to ensure that it is working for the people.

Mnangagwa has made some plausible statements in the past, one example, being his statements while addressing Zimbabweans living in the United States on the sidelines of the United Nations General Conference in 2018, that the country would allow citizens in the diaspora to vote.

While the world is impatiently waiting to get updates on Mnangagwa's diaspora vote promise, we read that some Zanu-PF officials are haunting Speaker of the National Assembly Jacob Mudenda for suggesting amendments to the electoral laws to ensure that Zimbabweans in the diaspora can vote.

Most surprisingly, we have been told that Mudenda was barred from attending a Zanu-PF politburo meeting over his utterances on diaspora vote.

From my understanding, the Zanu-PF leader is part of the politburo, so it is surprising how he failed to protect Mudenda, who shares similar views with him regarding the diaspora vote.

Is this another example of Mnangagwa indicating right and turning left?

Or was he merely grandstanding to please the international community when he made this statement? Zimbabweans in the diaspora's right to vote need to be granted.

Mliswa, as a parliamentarian, is there anything you can do, working with other progressive-minded Zimbabweans across the political divide to ensure that not only the President's promise is fulfilled, but also to enable citizens in the diaspora to exercise the right to vote?

We look up to like-minded legislators to pile pressure on the government to amend laws to allow for diaspora vote.

Can positive-minded parliamentarians across the political divide team up and come up with a private member Bill?

Thank your Honourable Mliswa, Zimbabwe needs progressive people lie you.

Keep pushing!

Source - NewsDay Zimbabwe
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