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I don't know VP Chiwenga personally: Mutami

23 Jul 2022 at 20:27hrs | Views
In an oversubscribed twitter space, yesterday, controversial socialite, Susan Mutami seemed to have insinuated that she at one time has a relationship with almost all the top government officials, serve for the Vice President Chiwenga.

While, the confession by Mutami can be regarded as a non-event, some netizens has said warned that the confession was more than whats meet the eye.

"I don't know general Chiwenga on a personal level, we have never met at all, I only know Takawira ariku Army.. ne sister yavo yeku Marondera," said Mutami.

Mutami had during the space attacked and talked about almost everyone in the ZANU PF while also accusing the President of having once raped her.

However, her confession about Chiwenga may further fuel the claims about the fallout of the two most powerful men in Zimbabwe now.

To that end, one netizen suggested that Chiwenga should take over power till elections.

"Guvheya ngasano bata till elections," read the twitter.

Moreso some even suggested that the ploy to exonerate Chiwenga might be deliberate to further widen the gap between the two.

The space by Susan caught ZANU PF pants down with over 44K audience listening while  she logically  exposed how she was sexually abused by the elite in the government.

Source - Philani Mahlangu
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