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Makandiwa, preaching heresy

04 Oct 2022 at 06:11hrs | Views
I USED to follow United Family International Church leader Emmanuel Makandiwa when he was still a junior pastor with Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe until he left the church and formed his own entity.

In February 2013, Makandiwa attracted widespread attention after promising followers wealth, health and a better life, in a country still struggling to shake off the effects of a long economic recession and political strife.

His controversial prophetic words needed to be taken with a pinch of salt. He told the whole nation that there was miracle money in Zimbabwe and that gold was going to rain in the country to solve all the economic problems bedevilling the nation.

At the height of the pandemic COVID-19, Makandiwa claimed that he was not going to get any vaccination because the vaccine was a mark of the beast which was prophesied in the book of Revelations.

Makandiwa is now slowly being inducted into Zimbabwean politics, but must tread with caution.

Some of his statements are biased, partisan, materialistic and one does not need rocket science to know that. He has actually taken his bootlicking antics to protect his ill-gotten wealth which he has accumulated over years through hook and crook.

According to this selfstyled Makandiwa, 50% corruption is allowed but 100% is not. Surely, where is Zimbabwe being dragged into with such kind of misleading teachings? This is the biggest scam ever which we are experiencing in the country.

Makandiwa speaks for his stomach and nothing more. He always wants to try to be smart and twists his messages to suit his narrative whilst the unwise fall for the trap.

How can a true prophet support and sanitise corruption and remain mum on human rights abuses where Job Sikhala, Sithole and the Nyastime 14 have been languishing in remand prison?

By saying whoever is feeling bored by his teachings must go and vomit, Makandiwa really showed that he has an agenda which he intends to push. This kind of language or choice of words from a man of God are unacceptable and should be condemned.

Some prophets need to be scrutinised, interrogated or otherwise they will take advantage of the gullible.

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe
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