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Zanu-PF should not hide under sanctions

28 Oct 2022 at 01:38hrs | Views
The late former President Mugabe was much stronger when he started talking about the removal of sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by the West but nothing changed.

Inasmuch as we want sanctions to go, the government of the day must do the proper thing and stop abusing human rights, respect the rule of law and rights to property and restore democracy.

Emmerson  Mnangagwa who is now in charge is failing to shrug offthe sanctions and repeating the same mistakes of forcing the poor school children to go and march for the sins committed by politicians.

These sanctions will not go by singing at United States Embassy and parading the drum majorettes. This new dispensation must go back to the drawing board.

These marches had nothing to do with the removal of sanctions but it was a Zanu PF's way of saying to the rural folks that they have failed.

In August 1998, we entered the boxing ring of Democratic Republic of Congo war which Zimbabwe's involvement in this Congolese civil war weakened the regime, draining the budget, damaging the economy and increasing mass discontent.

The government's decision was due largely to the personal business interests in the DRC of a number of senior politicians and military officers.

The economic devastation and increased corruption, poor policy choices, like the introduction of Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (Esap) and economic mismanagement were major keys destroying the nation.

We have flawed economic policies in place which are killing the country but we tend to ignore such fundamentals.

The farm mechanisation project is another area where we lost it.  Zanu PF elites current and former stole from the national purse and gave themselves free farming equipment imported via a government loan.

We came up with skewed Operation Maguta, the $3billion corruption at Command Agriculture which failed to feed the country and now we have Pfumvudza.

Today we are seen disrupting the school calender which was once disturbed by the pandemic Covid19 through forcing children to go and march. Sadly part these politicians use our people to advance their mission whilst their children and dependants are in private schools studying home or overseas.

Those people who were forced to march for the removal of sanctions yesterday cannot even afford to buy an ex Japanese Honda Fit whilst legislators like Wadyejena et al are driving Lamborghini     cars in Zimbabwe's poor roads.

Zimbabwe is such a rich country which can bust sanctions in different kind of disciplines from exporting labour and processing our products to the end user.

Email - Twitter - @Leokoni +27616868508

Source - Leonard Koni
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