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Zanu-PF has dismally failed

08 Nov 2022 at 03:02hrs | Views
Our lives have become so much compressed and constrained under this new dispensation.
All hope of expecting anything new coming from this so called new dispensation has been lost. To be honest Zanu PF will remain Zanu PF and it will not change. The big fish will always loot from the poor.

The amount of pain and suffering that this this regime have inflicted on ordinary citizens for the sake of staying in power without no ability and capacity to govern is so astounding.

Ordinary citizens are now swimming in abject poverty. It is now out of the frying pan into the fire. A lot of people thought things would change for the better but unfortunately were sold a dummy by the 2017 military coup which ushered Emmerson Mnangagwa into power.

A lot of people could not imagine that it was going to be worse than Mugabe's regime. Things are not well in Zimbabwe. Indeed these politicians have no inclination of the daily troubles and struggles of ordinary citizens whose lives have deteriorated for the past twenty years.

In his first election against Nelson Chamisa in 2018, he unleashed the army which killed seven innocent unarmed civilian. It was not only that, we have witnessed the killing of Mboneni Ncube in Kwekwe political violence and another killing of Moreblessing Ali.

Reports of political violence being perpetrated by this new dispensation are now a cause of concern.

Zanu PF is now a bonafide ruling class without ruling ideas which is mostly identified by recruiting militias to threaten and harrass members of the opposition through using coercion, violence and repressive state apparatuses.

This new republic has promised everything and delivered nothing and now resort to smear campaign and propaganda.

Last week we were being bombarded with stories of investment coming from the Ivory Coast where President Emmerson Mnangagwa was attending an Africa Investment Forum summit.

Five year term has gone and nothing fruitful has happened concerning investors coming to do business in Zimbabwe.

The regime has tried all tricks to make it appear as if the environment is conducive for investment but nothing has prevailed.

Email - Twitter - @Leokoni +27616868508

Source - Byo24News
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