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Opposition 4ED crumbles like a deck of cards

25 Nov 2022 at 13:25hrs | Views
It never rains but pours for MDC-T leader Mr Douglas Mwonzora. The centre is not holding at his party which he unconstitutionally grabbed from Nelson Chamisa with the help of President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Mwonzora managed to capture and occupy Morgan Tsvangirayi House previously known as Harvest House along Nelson Mandela Avenue with the aid of security forces.

Mwonzora lost it when he started having sympathy with Zanu PF. A strong opposition party which is serious of forming the next government should not be found dining and eating with this authoritarian regime if it wants people to take it seriously.

Politics of rational disputation and acrimony which Douglas Mwonzora is trying to introduce to the Zimbabwe's political hard hat area is not resonating very well with the majority of people who want to see change in Zimbabwe's political discourse.

The once powerful MDC-Alliance party which was led by the late Morgan Tsvangirayi is at the verge of collapse and in a state of decomposition.

The party was left intact in the hands of young and vibrant Nelson Chamisa and it was performing very well but unfortunately it's now in its intensive care unit surviving on a life support system with no any hope of resuscitation.

Our modern day Morris Nyathi Mr Douglas Mwonzora would be the books of history of destroying the much formidable political party and had to engrave its political tombstone.

The members are currently not happy with the way he is running this political party. The party MDC-T has lost its lustre and has perfomed dismally under Mr Mwonzora. It is likely that he may also fail to field members of parliament and councillors in this coming 2023 harmonised elections.

Mwonzora knew that he had zero traction but was just after money. It was about sharing the loot that always generated these conflicts they are facing today.

Mwonzora cannot claim to be an official leader of the opposition when he failed to field candidates in the past by -elections previously held and is hearding for a national embarrassment in the next coming 2023 election.

After selling out MDC- Alliance to ZANU PF, the former opposition party has now become a full blown opposition of the opposition than the ruling party.

Mwonzora lacks servant leadership, moral conduct, principles and cannot be trusted with power. He was recently rewarded handsomely with a farm allocation and other freebies. Its not wrong for one to get land but it must not be done to kill democracy and subvert the will of the people. He has sold out the people's struggle to the highest bidder Zanu-PF.

Douglas Mwonzora is a bogus political misfit, a thief who does not need any introduction to Zimbabwe's political history. Politics needs a little bit of luck and is a game of numbers.

Come 2023 Mr Mwonzora will not win any seat. Whoever is going to vote for him should have their brains go through a scanning machine. The real race will be between the Citizens Coalition for Change and Zanu-PF.

Email -  Twitter - @Leokoni

Source - Tendai Ruben Mbofana
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