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Zanu-PF now past sell by date

03 Dec 2022 at 09:12hrs | Views
Zanu-PF does not have any capacity to revive the country's economy, let alone improve the people's lives.

Its leaders' energy is mostly spent on jailing political opponents, activists, critics, looting the country's resources, drafting draconian laws such as the Patriotic Bill and un- leashing terror and violence on its own people, instead fostering good governance.

The current political and economic crisis we are experiencing right now is proof that the nation is on autopilot. On the other hand, the messiah syndrome is another pandemic holding back the development of the nation.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa is surrounded by bootlickers who are too blind to see and correct the wrongs committed by the Zanu-PF regime.

We have clueless leaders who focus more on the destruction of the opposition than developing the country. The country is reeling under a high rate of unemployment.

Our hospitals and clinics do not have drugs and our health sector is in intensive care unit. Doctors and nurses are fleeing the country in droves for greener pastures.

There is currently erratic supply of electricity, with the Zimbabwe Power Company recently warned to halt generating power at Kariba.

Successive governments have failed to develop new power sources as a result of mismanagement and abuse of funds. There is seismic kwashiorkor of leadership in the country.

Politically, Zanu-PF is finished and living under the benevolence of the army. It is just pushing its agenda, extending the propaganda voices, economically reaping from taxpayers' monies, socially driving poverty and suffering

To show that Zanu-PF is on the verge of losing power, parallel structures have been created in support of Mnangagwa. These structures do not add any economic value to the country besides attempting to prop up Mnangagwa's waning support.

Zanu-PF leaders have demonstrated that they are not for the people, but for their own self-aggrandisement and enrichment.

Getting into politics must not be a freeway to self-enrichment, but must be about serving the people.

Some countries have committed to long-term growth while ours has committed to destroying the opposition and crushing it like lice.

The hope that the new dispensation was going to live up to its branding has all been lost.

Zimbabweans are fed up with the Zanu-PF government and want change.

There is lack of real enthusiasm within some sections of the civil service and the general populace.

Morale is very low and this coming election will be a game changer.

Most of the young people who constitute 75% of the population have vowed to vote for opposition Citizens Coalition of Change leader Nelson Chamisa.

Source - newsday zimbabwe
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