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Blame yourselves, not Mugabe for power crisis

14 Dec 2022 at 01:43hrs | Views
IT is so embarrassing that a grown-up person like Zanu-PF spokesperson Chris Mutsvangwa blames the late former President Robert Mugabe for all the woes the country is facing, especially on this current power crisis being experienced in the country and yet he was part and parcel of the problem.

It's unfortunate that the same people who are blaming Mugabe want to seek another five-year term to employ the same blame game.

This so-called new dispensation is just a scam. It must come up with concrete and long-term solutions to the challenges facing the country than being crybabies.

This circus of blaming Mugabe who is not around will not solve the crisis the nation is facing. People must learn to take responsibility for their shortcomings and move forward. They must allow Mugabe to rest in peace.

Most of those in leadership were in government together with Mugabe for 37 years. Blaming the dead for poor governance is a hallmark of a failed leadership.

Admitting that they have dismally failed is the right thing to do rather than shifting the blame on somebody whom they know is dead and cannot defend or respond to the allegations.

Zanu-PF as a whole has failed the nation from the beginning when they took over power from the colonial masters.

They have absolutely destroyed nearly everything.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his party have failed the nation.

He should be judged on the targets he set for himself upon taking oath of office in November 2017.

He made so many promises to the nation, but little has been achieved.

The unemployment rate is still soaring and the cost of living is spiralling upwards.

The living standards of the majority is deteriorating each and everyday, serve for a few politically-connected individuals who are benefiting from the feeding trough.

Zimbabwe is slowly getting closer to a failed state where it cannot provide its own people with basic needs.

We have allowed such kind of leaders to determine our future. Giving them another term would spell doom to the nation.

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe
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