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Fikile Mbalula offside

21 Dec 2022 at 05:57hrs | Views
Congratulations Mr Fikile Mbalula for your newly appointed post as the ANC Sectretary General. Just a gentle reminder, in utmost good faith it is not a criminal offence to effect a regime change in Zimbabwe. That is why you also see the Democratic Alliance and Economic for Freedom Front are trying to wrestle power from ANC.

Your bubble of excitement fresh from this ANC National Elective Congress win has caused you to utter such a reckless statement which is ill advised and not well thought. Such pre-ejaculated statements are likely to cause alarm and dispondency.

In a normal democratic situation or set-up, everything must change. What is the reason for a man to stay in power forever?

This so-called regime change is a tired chorus which is now sold by date and will not hold any water in a modern democracy.

Actually Zimbabweans should have the prerogative to choose the leadership of their choice not Mbalula. It is a preserve for the Zimbabweans to breath life into it or to deflate its bubble.

Zimbabwe has been going through a lot of challenges where members of the opposition have disappeared due to political intolerance. A lot of money has been spent on destroying the opposition than nation building.

Corruption is endemic in the country and a scourge for development of the country. No-one remembers very well the day Fikile Mbalula denounced the rampant corruption in the country and the torturing of members of the opposition in Zimbabwe.

People are not allowed to express their displeasure and demonstrate for poor governance and service delivery. If they do so they are likely to face the bullets at their backs. This is the regime which Mbalula said must not be changed.

We have a crisis on the way the law is applied on partisanship. There is right now selective application of the law where members of the opposition are harassed, intimidated and tortured whilst members of the ruling party go scotfree.

An opposition MP Job Sikhala is being denied justice and languishing in jail when constitutionally he supposed to get his bail but it is being opposed by the state.

Justice is a key pillar to fix things in Zimbabwe not political persecution. Mbalula must stop his political grandstanding and masturbation.

Sanctions are there but are not killing the nation serve for greediness and corruption. Mbalula must be reminded that the current regime offered ministers $US500 000 when the hospitals have no drugs and people are dying forcing Zimbabweans to jump borders to seek medication in South African hospitals. Mr Mbalula must not get over excited and start feeding the people with raw propaganda. He must rather concentrate on high crime rate in South Africa.

The ANC has actually failed to push for a free and fair election in Zimbabwe but instead has been found aiding the brutality of Zanu PF. This big brother syndrome where revolutionary political parties fail to call into order fellow parties is the one killing the African states.

These revolutionary parties are proving to be scams and allergic to change in Africa and putting the whole continent into a shame.

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Source - Leonard Koni
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