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No nation should suffer this long like Zimbabwe

11 Jan 2023 at 16:52hrs | Views
THE collapse of good conscience and the absence of accountability and public scrutiny of the government of President Emmerson Mnangagwa has led to crimes against humanity and violations of international laws.

I watch with sadness the continuing tragedy in Zimbabwe. I witnessed the outbreak of violence against fellow citizens in our country and the tragic failure of the leadership in our once beloved country.

Mnangagwa's government lacks leaders of a special calibre and integrity, who are able to see the basic problems that affect us all.

After studying Mnangagwa clinically, I saw that he is a man suffering from megalomania, beyond the reach of reason or logic. There is no way to appeal to him.

There is some moral sense missing in him that allows his administration to maim or even kill without compunction.

The Zanu-PF-led administration has not only allowed the death of people, but the economy of the once breadbasket of Southern Africa.

Today, we are hungry, unemployed and the few who are working are not being paid.

Comrades, we must stop tolerating this. There is no accountability in Mnangagwa's government.

The first step to end this is to make sure that we go and register to vote.

Everyone who wants a better Zimbabwe, a better tomorrow and real freedom should register to vote.

The real meaning of the spoken word has to be demonstrated by practical deeds.

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe
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