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Zanu-PF allowed freedom of association?

11 Jan 2023 at 11:53hrs | Views
MY heart bleeds to see a Zimbabwean fighting a fellow Zimbabwean because of political differences.

We need unity, peace and progress.

But how can we progress in Zimbabwe when one beats up a fellow countryman over political differences?

The Constitution gives one the right of association, and no one has the right to violate that?

We have seen Zimbabweans killed by fellow Zimbabweans since we attained the so-called independence in 1980; some crippled and others displaced from their homes. Where is the so-called independence?

Gukurahundi, Operation Murambatsvina, the 2008 poll rerun and now brutalisation of door-to-door voter registration awareness campaigners — what is all this nonsense in an independent Zimbabwe? And nothing happens to the perpetrators.

Politicians use State apparatus to quell dissent or disrupt opposition gatherings.

Zanu-PF members always gather and welcome President Emmerson Mnangagwa at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport  when he returns from his international trips and no one disperses them.

The problem is that the Zanu-PF-led administration is now majoring in minor issues instead of looking into critical health, education and housing matters.

It is very unfortunate that old people in Murehwa have been terrorised by Zanu-PF activists, while ministers are crippling the economy.

This should be condemned in the strongest terms. Let all perpetrators of political violence be brought to book.

We are all equal, we all need peace, we need freedom and we all have different opinions.

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe
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