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Did the army really removed criminals who were surrounding Robert Mugabe?

09 Mar 2023 at 03:06hrs | Views
In light of Aljazeera revelations, the new dispensation has been found at an uncomprising position and with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe giving long angry statements exposing the whole Zanu PF government of being a cry baby.

The country is indeed gripped with shock on the revelations of Al Jazeera documentary.

To show that some of the contents in the documentary are very true, the RBZ Governor Mr John Panonetsa Mangudya released a statement over a documentary that is still to be aired.

The crux of the matter is that the country is being milked and siphoned of its resources leaving the poor so much exposed to abject poverty whilst those who are mandated to improve the living standards of the poor are busy looting and amassing wealth for themselves.

All the economic indicators currently point toward an economic tailspin rather than recovery, stabilisation, and inclusive growth.

The treacherous and unpatriotic conduct from the ruling party under this new dispensation is really beyond reproach.

I am very much astonished by some ruling party social media commentators who are always saying that the government is under attack from the West and using such media organisations like Al Jazeera are therefore defending massive looting and corruption under this new republic and selling us a narrative that the government is busting sanctions. Who in their sober senses will buy that cheap propaganda?

It is very important to addresses economic issues than spending time defending a corrupt, inept and clueless government.

We cannot be perpetual cry babies when the country is endowed with vast mineral, land and human deposits.

Zanu PF under President Emmerson Mnangagwa is now a certified national reject.

The major fact which Aljazeera's investigative documentary has done to Zanu was that it has extensively  exposed the real criminals and plunderers of the national resources who were sorrounding the late President Mugabe.

Unfortunately some nincompoop malcontents and the so called die hard supporters have been defending this corrupt practice and accusing the existence of sanctions as a scapegoat.

The documentary has hit hard ZANU PF and the interests of their allied International cartels. It has provided evidence to the world that ZANU PF are nothing but a cabal of international  thieves at grand arena. We need to redifine our political system. Looting has become a cancerous disease in our country.

I am starting to believe that some of the frequency visits by former  President Mugabe through Robert Mugabe International Airport were not for the country's business but our precious minerals were being smuggled out of the country just like what we are witnessing today. It is an organised mafia masquerading as a people's government.

Twitter- @Leokoni

Source - Leonard Koni
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