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Lovendale: A forgotten township

24 Mar 2023 at 07:01hrs | Views
Have you ever heard of Lovendale Township? It's a small community located just 17 kilometres from the Bulawayo CBD, under Umguza RDC. Built in 2014, Lovendale Township is a relatively new development with just 1500 units. Lovendale was developed by MSN Properties, a private property development company, in the early 2010s. While the development was initially hailed as a solution to the housing crisis, it has since come under scrutiny for lack of basic services.

The majority of its residents are low-income earners who struggle to make ends meet. Many of them work in the informal sector, selling goods on the streets, or doing odd jobs to supplement their income. As a result, the neighbourhood has a distinctly informal feel to it, with small, makeshift shops lining the streets, and people going about their business in a relaxed, unhurried manner.

One of the biggest challenges that Lovendale residents face is the lack of access to clean water. The neighbourhood is not connected to any municipal water supply, and as a result, residents must rely on boreholes and wells for their water needs. While this may not seem like a big deal, it can be a major inconvenience, particularly during the dry season when water is scarce.

Despite these challenges, the residents of Lovendale have found innovative ways to deal with the water shortages. Many of them have installed rainwater harvesting systems on their roofs, which allow them to collect and store rainwater for use during the dry season.

Another major challenge that Lovendale residents face is the lack of proper sanitation facilities. The neighbourhood is not connected to any sewer system, therefore residents have installed their own septic tanks, which they maintain regularly to ensure that they are functioning properly. Others have built pit latrines with concrete floors and vent pipes. Those who cannot afford to build lavatories end-up engaging in open defaecation which is a health hazard on its own. Open defecation contaminates sources of drinking water and spreads diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, typhoid and dysentery. There are also no garbage collection services in Lovendale. So residents end up throwing garbage into Phekiwe River or simply burn thereby polluting the environment.

On one hand, there is no electricity in the township. Lovendale is not connected to the national grid, and most of the residents rely on firewood and gas for cooking. The responsible authorities should invest in infrastructure to provide the residents of Lovendale with access to basic amenities such as water, sewer services, and electricity. This will not only improve the health of the residents but also boost economic development in the area.

Despite the challenges, Lovendale is a vibrant community that is slowly developing. The people of Lovendale are determined to overcome the challenges and improve their standard of living. The township has a lot of potential, and with the right infrastructure and support, it could become a thriving community.


Source - Byo24News
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