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Bona Mugabe is Harare's true rich aunt

03 May 2023 at 16:50hrs | Views
"One man one farm" was a Mugabe mantra for the longest time after the fast-track land reform programme that took land from around 4000 white former farmers into the hands of thousands of landless black Zimbabweans.

The news of Bona Mugabe's estate as listed by estranged husband Simba Chokore is just monumentally ironic.

The Mugabes own vast tracts of arable land across the country.

Bona, who had won the hearts of many by her humility apparently owns a colourful catalogue of properties and housing stands in prestigious pockets of Harare.

Needlessly, we cannot begrudge her as she it's said there are title deeds to the properties co-owned by her estranged husband.

However the question arises, were these acquired through legitimate channels or simply by bending over rules of engagement.

The Mugabes were the first family for far too long and undeniably the power and influence of the former President Mugabe played a major role in the acquisition of said properties.

Whose money was used? When were these acquired, developed? These are some of the questions one is tempted to ask.

And why so much accumulation of land when others have zilch.

In an era where latter-day politicians are conspicuously spending on fancy cars and flamboyancy, there was probity in Mugabe's ways apparently. He built generational wealth that even unborn great-grandchildren will surely enjoy.

Some quarters were even hinting Bona could make a comeback for the Mugabes and serve in elected public office because of her down-to-earth public persona.

After this expose, is she still the same in the eyes of the public? Apparently Bona is all set for life with a vast empire of value-appreciating properties.

This comes in the wake of a major expose of contemporary leaders and proteges allegedly amassing vast sums of money through siphoning gold resources out of the country nicodemously. It puts paid to the notion that the majority of Zimbabwean politicians are only interested in accumulation of personal wealth and creating personal fiefdoms where they behave as they want without accountability to the public.

The nation is on tenterhooks as the Bona's divorce proceedings play out in court. For all we know, Bona was educated in China at Manchester City University and Mugabe was in attendance on her graduation in the gallery. Little is known of her work life and business interests but without a doubt she has shot to the roof top as Harare's rich aunty. Not the loud-mouthed social media socialites going to town over cheap cars, cosmetics and flamboyant apparel imported from Dubai.

Josiah Mucharowana is a media graduate and writes in his personal capacity. Feedback;

Source - Josiah Mucharowana
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