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Mnangagwa should walk the talk

12 May 2023 at 01:24hrs | Views
THE excitement from the State-controlled media and the so-called staunch Zanu-PF supporters about President Emmerson Mnangagwa's invitation to witness the coronation of King Charles III is so astounding. They pretend to hate the whites yet inwardly they are craving for their help and re-engagement.

Shockingly, when leaders of the opposition visit European countries they are branded sellouts and puppets of the West.

The excitement, like that of a rural person who has paid their first visit to an urban area, has exposed the double standards of Mnangagwa's government which always wants to dip everywhere for self aggrandisement.

When Mnangagwa came from the 12th African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) summit that was held in Kigali, Rwanda, last year in September and another one in Sharma El Sheikh, Egypt on the sidelines of COP27, he said former UK Prime Minister Blair had accepted to bury differences and was ready to work closely with him to propel the country back to its glory days. On Friday he again met the same warmonger to discuss bilateral relations.

Since 2017 he has been holding such meetings, but with no success as investors continue to shun the country.

If Mnangagwa is sincere and has the interests of citizens at heart, he should have not travelled to the UK given the state of our fragile economy.

Mnangagwa must stop pretending to be a saint whenever he goes out of the country while he remains ruthless back home. There is an adage which says charity begins at home. No matter how much Mnangagwa might try to portray Zimbabwe in good light when he visits the West when back home nothing has changed, I don't think he will achieve much in his re-engagement endeavour.

Zimbabweans cannot protest against poor governance for fear of reprisals from a regime that is averse to dissent.

Leader of Transform Zimbabwe Jacob Ngarivhume was jailed for inciting violence, so as Job Sikhala.

Zimbabwe is being run by a ruthless, fascist mafia with absolutely no regard for human rights.

Source - newsday
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