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Do not give the devil a foothold

15 May 2023 at 10:21hrs | Views
It is a known phenomenon that cracks and fissures in relations and interactions allow negative energies to disrupt positivity and well-being of those around us.

Absence of amicability in all we do, talk and discussions have a bearing on outcomes and expectations.

We should strive to guard our tongues if we are to find favour in God's eyes. Our Father in Heaven has bountiful stores of blessings if we keep our mouths on leash and have sound relations with all those we interact with during our lives. Our God is a faithful God, Jehovah will not forsake us especially believers.

The fast track life of today need the fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom. In all we do let's trust in God, endeavoring to lead a Christ-like life.

Through all his trials and tribulations, Joseph the son of Jacob had his trust in God and in the end he became the Governor of Egypt.

The three Jewish boys Misheck, Shadreck and Abednigo trusted in God, they prevailed against the evil machinations of Nebuchadinezer. Sad faces, biting statements, harsh words and repaying evil with evil is not of God.

The Creator favors kindness, giving to charity, love and those who worship Him in spirit and truth. We have many needy souls around us, what are we doing about it? Jesus Christ taught us to love one another, where does hate and hurt come from?

There are a lot of negative forces drifting in the world, do not give them a foothold. Any bad mouthing and louding are 'music' to evil spirits, be found in harmony with God through our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Discussions must be constructive not divisive, prosecutorial and persecutorial. Praying breaks no bones but can break bounds, be a prayer warrior.

Pray ceaselessly and find great favors in God. If He is with us who can stand against us? David humbled the giant Goliath because God was with him. Jesus is coming soon.   

Have a blessed day. Stay blessed.

TTMurisa. Chinehasha

Source - TT Murisa. Chinehasha
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