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Christianity is ruining traditional Zimbabwean beliefs

21 May 2023 at 04:31hrs | Views
As a proud Zimbabwean, I often find myself pondering the impact of Christianity on our country's rich cultural heritage. While it's undoubtedly had a significant influence, I believe it's time to have an honest conversation about whether Christianity is, in fact, ruining traditional Zimbabwean beliefs.

Let's start with the obvious - Zimbabwe is a deeply religious country. According to the Cultural Atlas 2022, over 86% of the population identifies as Christian. While that's no doubt a testament to the power of faith, it's also worth noting that it's had a profound effect on the country's religious traditions.

For example, Christianity has contributed to the widespread belief in a heaven and hell, a concept that has little to do with traditional Zimbabwean beliefs. In our traditional belief systems, the afterlife is more complex, and often involves reincarnation - with the deceased returning to life as animals or even other people. In other alterations spirits just reside in the spiritual plane before being brought back to the society through the "kurova guva" ceremony.

Christianity has also played a role in eradicating some traditional religious customs. For instance, the practice of the mbira, a traditional instrument used for religious purposes, has been relegated to concerts and festivals, instead of being used in its traditional religious practices. This is because most churches frown upon the use of such instruments in their services.

However, it's not all doom and gloom. Christianity has also brought about some positive changes to Zimbabwean culture. It has instilled a sense of morality and has contributed to the country's commitment to charity work, among other things.

That said, much of the impact of Christianity on Zimbabwean culture has been negative, and it's worth exploring why that's the case.

One of the clearest examples of the negative effects of Christianity on traditional Zimbabwean beliefs is the way it has impacted gender roles and relationships. Many Christian denominations in Zimbabwe, particularly those that are more conservative, hold very specific beliefs about the roles of men and women - with men being seen as the head of the household and women being expected to be subservient and obedient to their husbands.
This stands in stark contrast to traditional Zimbabwean beliefs around gender roles, which tended to be more fluid and less rigidly defined. Women, for example, played important roles in traditional spiritual practices, and there was often more of an emphasis on cooperation and shared decision-making within families and communities.

The rise of Christianity in Zimbabwe can also be seen as having contributed to the suppression of traditional spiritual practices. Many Zimbabweans have converted to Christianity in part because it's seen as a more "civilized" and "modern" religion, and because it offers a sense of belonging and community that may be lacking in more traditional belief systems.

As a result, many Zimbabweans have come to view their traditional beliefs as backward or outdated, and have abandoned them in favor of Christianity. This has led to a loss of cultural heritage and identity, particularly among younger generations who may not be familiar with their ancestral traditions.

Another way in which Christianity has impacted traditional Zimbabwean beliefs is in the way it has influenced political and social structures. Zimbabwe has a long history of colonization and oppression, and Christianity has often been used as a tool of the colonizers to justify their actions and maintain control over the local population.

For example, Christian missionaries played a significant role in spreading the message of colonialism in Zimbabwe, often working with government officials to propagate their beliefs and suppress traditional practices. This had a profound impact on the way Zimbabweans viewed themselves and their place in the world, and contributed to a sense of inferiority and powerlessness that persists to this day.

Moreover, Christianity has often been used as a means of social control in Zimbabwe. Many Christian denominations have strict rules and codes of conduct, and members who fail to follow these rules may be ostracized or even expelled from the community. This can create a sense of fear and anxiety among believers, and can lead to a stifling of free expression and independent thought.

Perhaps the most profound impact of Christianity on traditional Zimbabwean beliefs has been in the way it has contributed to the erosion of indigenous knowledge systems. Traditional Zimbabwean beliefs are deeply rooted in local knowledge and practices, and are often closely tied to the land and the natural environment.

Christianity, on the other hand, is a foreign religion that was brought to Zimbabwe by outsiders. As a result, it lacks the deep connection to the local environment and culture that traditional beliefs possess.

This has contributed to a sense of alienation and disconnection from the natural world, as well as a loss of traditional knowledge about agriculture, medicine, and ecology. Many Zimbabweans today rely on Western-style industrial agriculture and imported medicines, rather than traditional knowledge and practices that were developed over millennia.

The impact of Christianity on traditional Zimbabwean beliefs is a complex and multifaceted issue, and it's important to approach it with nuance and sensitivity. While it's undeniable that Christianity has had a profound impact on Zimbabwean culture, it's also important to recognize the positive contributions it has made, particularly in terms of promoting education, health, and social justice.

At the same time, however, it's clear that Christianity has also contributed to the erosion of traditional beliefs and practices, and has played a role in perpetuating colonial attitudes and power structures. In order to fully understand the impact of Christianity on Zimbabwean culture, we need to continue to have honest and open conversations about its history and ongoing influence - and to work towards building a future that values and honors the rich diversity of Zimbabwean traditions and beliefs.

While these examples are just a few among many, they illustrate how Christianity has dramatically altered Zimbabwean culture. It's challenging to determine whether this is a good or bad thing, but one thing is certain - Christianity is ruining traditional Zimbabwean beliefs.

Zimbabwe is a country with a rich cultural heritage, and it's vital that we preserve our traditions. As an Omnist myself, I feel Christians can still practice their faith and honor our traditions, too. We must strive to strike a balance between Christianity and Zimbabwean culture, or face the risk of losing the valuable things that make us Zimbabweans.

Kumbirai Thierry Nhamo |
Writer, Blogger, Poet and Researcher
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Source - Kumbirai Thierry Nhamo
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