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It's time we retrace our footsteps

24 May 2023 at 04:25hrs | Views
Face contorted as a result of the bitter taste in their mouth, baby on her lap near a crackling fire, the African mother does the ritual dutifully without fail. Was this not an immune-boosting herbal vaccine, a practice with echoes in the corridors of time.

The baby would wiggle, toss and turn, a sure sign of distasting what mother is doing to it. A practice and knowledge handed down from ancestry to generations to come.

Poor nutrition was no big deal, mice and locusts for protein and okra for alkalizing the acidity afflicting the 'temple of the Most High'. Herbs, roots and bark sap were used for hedging the body against traditional maladies that tomernted humanity.

A six-year-old African herdsboy can chase away jackals and bears that attempt to feast on his herd and flock. If it's a (dry hands) pasture boxing tournament a Caucasian same-age kid would jump over 'hills' running away from the toddler black pugilist.

Diseases were a rare occasion because the herbal vaccines would keep the immune system in top notch condition. Careless eating habits and couch potato passtime has robbed our youths of good health.

One hour standing is quite taxing to them, they must lean on someone or something. They change shoe size sizes thrice a year, a sure sign of compromised immunity.

The chewed herbal sap that was forced down the throat of a baby is what kept them strong. No jersey, no shoes and no proper care, the African kid thrived in hard times. Always smiling even when the chips were down. You will never grow muscles when you are carried, one must walk and get strong. No pain no gain.

The young village damsel could harness donkeys alone and still go to the local grinding mill ten kms away. Why has it come to this, poor modern food and weak generations. Fruits of yore, Snot apples, wild oranges and forest okra meant strong boys and girls.

The white man's food has left him stronger and us weak. Do they eat what they sell us, I am beginning to suspect deception. If it's in good faith, why don't they eat mice and okra, let alone mopani worms (madora)?

I am outer here, Snot Apple tree leaves can cure you of that nagging arthritis and blood sugar. Tondo is going back to the roots and for him it's now mice pizza and locust pie. After all our food was not bad.

Thomas Tondo Murisa. Chinehasha.

Source - Thomas Tondo Murisa
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