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On inflation Mthuli Ncube must listen to Chinamasa and Gono, 'in the know' advised Moyo. A very sick joke.

26 May 2023 at 10:22hrs | Views
Professor Jonathan Moyo would be fountain of wisdom if only his contributions are not more often than not laced with propaganda, lies and damned lies whose sole purpose is to poison the mind.

"Professor Ncube, there is no need for a rocket scientist to tell you that the business community now being blamed for the current pricing and currency mayhem across the economy really has no horse in the forthcoming harmonised general election," Professor Moyo argued in a recent article in New Zimbabwe.

Did the white farmers have a horse in any of the general elections since Zanu PF lost the new constitution referendum of February 2000? And yet they were blamed for it and used as the excuse for the wave after wave of white farm invasions with the accompanying gratuitous violence.

The farms were ostensibly seized to be redistributed to the landless peasants. Only a few peasants were resettled out of the crowded communal areas and most of the seized farms were dished out to the ruling elite, their families and cronies.

The nation learned recently that Bona Mugabe-Chikore, the daughter of the late dictator Robert Mugabe whom Professor Moyo served well for decades, has 21 farms with total land area bigger than Belgium! How many farms did you and your family and friends  get Professor Moyo?

The Zanu PF regime has since agree to pay the white farmers US$3.5 billion compensation for the movable assets like cattle and farming equipment they were forced to leave behind. So one masquerading as the fountain of wisdom, it is surprising that you were lost for words. Does it make any sense to you that the nation should be asked to pay the compensation when those who benefited from the seized movable and immovable assets pay nothing?

The primary purpose of the violent seizure of the white own farms was to create a smoke screen behind which to hide the use of violence against the opposition and their supporters. The farm seizures always flared up during the elections and spread into rural areas and urban centres where there were no farms.

Zanu PF is worried about the soaring inflation and commodity prices and, true to form, the party has to find a scapegoat. The business community are the scapegoats.

"Second, and as former finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa and some captains of industry in the know will tell you, in times like this shouting matches and open brawls between government voices with discordant messages and the business community benefit neither party, but only serve to make the bad situation worse for everyone, and particularly for ordinary people who have no means of navigating the economic turbulence that's threatening their livelihoods," continued Professor Moyo.

Patrick Chinamasa and Gideon Gono in the know! If the two knew what they were doing then why did inflation soar to the dizzying height of 500 000 000%. There I was thinking Professor Moyo had no sense of humour, or be it very dry befitting the sick, cynical and sinister mind housed in that cup-cake!

Zimbabwe's soaring inflation and commodity prices of the last three weeks is not a laughing matter. People lost their life-saves and livelihoods in 2008 hyperinflation and their hearts sink to see the nightmare is back again.

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