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African Union is funded by the same people they are fighting

28 May 2023 at 16:06hrs | Views
Imagine getting advice from your enemy on how to beat them in an economic or guerrilla war. The adage that goes, "It's not your duty to stop your enemy when they are making mistakes" is always seen when African nations are being given advice by hostile nations.

The AU is currently not financed in a predictable, sustainable, equitable or accountable manner. It is heavily dependent on donor funding to run its programs and operations, and this is further compounded by the fact that >40% of Member States do not pay their yearly contributions to the institution.

After the slave trade, the chief human rights abusers went on to colonize African nations and now recently they have a new form of slavery which is economic sanctions.

What baffles the mind is how African heads of state are always going to the same people for funding and methods on how to develop their nations. African heads of states are claiming to be fighting imperialism and yet they go to the same colonial powers for funding.

How can our enemy give us weapons to fight against himself, obviously he will give you old and nonfunctional weapons.
It's high time African nations unite not on paper but through works and deeds. Financial contributions should be done by each country.

Agenda 2063 should be changed to Agenda now. Why wait for 2063. We know the need for future planning, but we should show real action today. Concrete steps towards achieving our developmental goals should be seen now.

African problems require African solutions. None but ourselves.

Source - Erick Matotoba
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