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Use your voice: Use your vote

28 Jun 2023 at 09:16hrs | Views
As the elections in Zimbabwe draw near, there is a sense of excitement and anticipation that grips the nation. For many, this is a chance to choose a leader who will steer Zimbabwe into the future. It is an opportunity to make a difference and to shape the direction of our country.

If you are a registered voter, I want to urge you to use your vote. It matters more than you think. Your vote is an expression of your voice, your vision, and your values. It is a way to hold our leaders accountable and to keep them honest. It is a way to demand change and to ensure that your voice is heard.

We cannot afford to take our right to vote for granted. Our ancestors fought for it, our parents and grandparents fought for it, and we must continue to fight for it. We must remember that not too long ago, many of us were denied this right. We must never forget the sacrifices that were made and the struggles that were endured to secure this right for us.

In these elections, we have an opportunity to choose a leader who will work for our common good. We have an opportunity to elect a leader who will prioritize the needs of the people over their own interests. We have an opportunity to elect a leader who will restore Zimbabwe's image and reputation on the international stage.

But we cannot do this if we do not vote. We cannot sit back and hope for change to come to us. We must be the change we want to see. We must step up and take responsibility for our future. We must cast our vote with conviction and determination.

I urge you to take this responsibility seriously. Do your research on the candidates, their policies, and their track records. Attend rallies. Engage in discussions with your friends and family. Make an informed decision.

Some may argue that their vote does not matter, that their voice is lost in the crowd. But I assure you, every vote counts. In a close election, your vote could be the deciding factor. Don't underestimate the power of your vote.

So go out on election day and make your voice heard. Remember, your vote is not just for you, but for future generations. It is for our children and our grandchildren. It is for the Zimbabwe we want to build.

I urge you to take this opportunity to make a difference. Use your voice, use your vote. Your country needs you. Let's make history together.

Kumbirai Thierry Nhamo |
Writer, Blogger, Poet and Researcher
Call/WhatsApp: +263780022343 | +263716984317
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Source - Kumbirai Thierry Nhamo
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More on: #Ancestors, #Voice, #Vote