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Lets Kwekwe Mnangagwa Out

26 Jul 2023 at 15:07hrs | Views
Zimbabwean politics has been on the knife edge for a very long time. Taking a look from what other African countries are doing on international platforms and hearing how their leaders are articulating their visions and development plans for their people, one would think they are living in Mars.

All that you see in the country today is intimidation, police harassment and brutality coupled with weaponisation of the law. The entire nation is disintegrated broken socially, politically and economically.

The judiciary continues to incarcerate political opponents. Every day people are losing their dignity and the country is going down to the grave and hearing someone saying forward with Zanu PF, is actually mind-boggling.

All the promised and signed mega deals were just a pie in the sky. A way of hoodwinking people.

If you hear Zanu PF supporters saying EDworks they are not really being genuine and honest to themselves. They are simply enjoying the looting and want the status quo to remain the same so that they can keep on milking whilst those not politically connected will remain in abject poverty.

The crux of the matter is that we have allowed archbishop of thieves masquarading as politicians to dictate on our behalf. The people must reject this Mnangagwa-led Zanu PF government on 23 August 2023 which has caused untold suffering and ruined most of the people's lives.

On the other hand political violence continues to take its toll and getting to another level.

Two weeks ago in Chilonga, Toksido Magezani's house a member of Citizen Coalition of Change was burnt down. This came after Nelson Chamisa held a rally in that area that was well attended. Such barbaric acts of violence are meant to instil fear in the opposition towards elections.

A Fanuel Mungoni s hut in Velemu , Chilonga was also burnt. Zanu PF militias also burnt the car belonging to Mwenezi West indipendent candidate, Shumba. This kind of senseless violence and cowardice must not be tolerated. Zimbabwe is not yet a mature democracy. The political intolerance in the country is out of this world.

Zimbabwe could by now have been a bastion of democracy and development but we missed the opportunity during Mugabe's era as the man was corrupted with power same as what is happening right now to Emmerson Mnangagwa who is heavily conflicted. Everybody thought he was going to correct the mistakes done by his predecessor but he is taking a wrong turn.

This idea of not wanting to reliquish power is another cause of concern very common with African leaders. We have allowed mediocrity and groomed incompetent leaders to presode over our political affairs hence the challenges which we are facing today.

Emmerson Mnangagwa is failing at a higher level to comprehensively deal with corruption. We see him running down state entities and does not even care. We need to change the culture of our politics if we are ready to take a new political trajectory.

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Source - Leonard Koni
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