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Zimbabwe needs a new broom

11 Aug 2023 at 11:11hrs | Views
The harmonised elections are now around the corner and boys are being separated from men. The atmosphere is now getting tense. The ruling party which has been at the helm of power for 43 years is for the first time entering this election without a manifesto whilst Citizens Coalition for Change have produced one.

So far Zanu PF has been campaigning around the country enjoying the use of state resources and attracting the electorate through giving them some T-shirts, three pieces of chicken inn and chips.

In a modern world of politics there is no need to close peoples' businesses and force them to attend rallies. For a political party that has been in power for 43 years giving supporters food and drinks so that it can be voted into power is so ubsurd. Zanu PF has ran out of ideas and have now left with nothing to offer for the electorate.

Most of its rallies are being attended by people from various provinces. Emmerson Mnangagwa has failed to attract the electorate since he took over from Robert Mugabe and the political space has become so toxic. This modus operandi of frog marching, closing shopping malls so that people could attend the rallies is so primitive.

Zanu PF under Mnangagwa has been claiming credit on building the new parliament and the airport which were Mugabe's brain child projects. There is absolutely nothing to show to the public which was done by this so called new republic besides looting the country's resources as recently witnessed in the gold mafia scandal.

A lot of Zimbabweans who are living outside the country are inching to come back home and start rebuilding the country  but are not ready under Mnangagwa's government.

A new political dimension and strong economic policies are what most Zimbabweans are yearning for. Zimbabweans want a functional economy which will cater for everyone hence the Citizens Coalition for Zimbabwe is saying Zimbabwe should be for everybody not for a few politically connected minority Zanu PF comrades.

Zimbabwe has the capacity to build a billion dollar economy because we have all the necessary ingredients of natural resources but we lack serious leadership. Zimbabwe is sitting on vast mineral deposits and boasts of the best soils for agriculture.

Zimbabwe must not go back to the 2008 election period which was the most violent in the annals of Zimbabwe's post-independence history. 2023 is proving to be the most tightly contested election between ZANU-PF and CCC with the ruling party likely to lose more parliamentary seats.

By most accounts the biggest challenge is whether Zimbabwe Electoral Commission will deliver or meet a criteria of fairness and freeness in this election.

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Source - Leonard Koni
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