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Zanu PF is buying time delaying announcing result to 31 August. 'In the name of God, go!'

26 Aug 2023 at 14:27hrs | Views
"Zimbabwe's election management body, ZEC, is seeking an urgent court order extending the period of announcing election results from 5 days as currently stipulated in the constitution to 8 days to allow "accurate collation of results" especially on the presidential election," read a report.

"Sources privy to Newsday has reported that plans are underway for a court application pleading for that extension. If successful, ZEC will only be obliged to release full results of this election by 1st of September 2023. In its papers still concealed from the public, ZEC agues that several previously unknown factors handicapped its operations, eventually forcing the President to declare another voting day for several constituencies."

Voting was extended by an extra day but that only applied to the polling stations that had problems with getting the voting process underway on time. Considering vote counting is done in each polling station straight after the voting is done and no single polling station has more that 600 votes; this task must be complete in 10 hours or less.

So all the V11 forms, summary of vote count in each polling stations should have been done and dusted by 8.00 am Friday 25 August 2023.

Ward Centres compiled the vote counts of the 15 or so policing station to produce the winner of the local council elections. Each Ward centre then produce a V23 A and B with summary of the vote count for each parliamentary candidate and presidential candidate respectively. Give this process four hours and all done by 12.00 midday.

Constituency Centres compile the vote counts from the V23 A from the 15 or so Ward Centres to produce the winner of the parliamentary seat and a V23 C form with summary of each of the presidential candidates. Give this process 6 hours and thus completed by 18.00 hours.

Each Province Centre compiles the vote count of each presidential candidate from the 30 or so Constituency Centres to produce V23 D. This should be complete by Saturday 8.00 am.

The 10 V23 D forms from all the 10 Provinces must be in Harare Command Centre by 8.00 am. The compiling of the vote counts for each presidential candidate should be done and dusted by 18.00 hours!

Why counting 5 million votes is taking ZEC over 5 days and now they want 8 days beggars belief!

This is just a waste of time.

SADC and AU have condemned the process and will not grant Zanu PF or anyone else legitimacy at the end of the day. Zanu PF must be doing this to buy time - time to see if SADC leaders can be talked into watering down SADC's condemnation. Or negotiate with SADC what role Zanu PF will have in the new GNU.

Zanu PF is holding the nation to ransom and after 43 years of this; enough is enough.

"You have been sat to long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!" said Oliver Cromwell.

Words the people of Zimbabwe should have said to this corrupt incompetent and murderous Zanu PF regime and its equally corrupt and useless MDC/CCC acolytes years ago. In the name of God, go! We now tell them and mean every word.

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