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Same flawed process, Old pain continues

02 Sep 2023 at 01:47hrs | Views
Recent elections showed that the brutal dictator and his murderous Zanu-PF party have strengthened their stranglehold on power in Zimbabwe.

Their abuse of state institutions has worsened as they are now openly using ZEC and the judiciary to subdue the main opposition CCC.

They have continued to incarcerate the CCC Vice President Job Sikhala without trial and also managed to exclude their former crony Saviour Kasukuwere from the Presidential ballot. State media has become their own propaganda machine.

They have now formed the bogus FAZ which they used to intimidate voters mostly in rural areas. SADC, Commonwealth and EU observer missons have all agreed and published that the recent shambolic elections were neither free nor fair. The diaspora vote remains a pipe dream.

Many Zimbabweans remain disenfranchised by this evil cult called Zanu-PF. And this is the same population that is partaking in keeping the poorly economy on its feet through remittances. Our pain as Zimbabweans will continue under this despotic party.

Corruption and incompetence is running through the roof and there is no appetite on the Zanu-PF big wigs to curb it. They continue plundering our natural resources at will for their own benefit. Another 5 years of this drama means a death penalty for many as life has become unbearable in Zimbabwe.

One day is one day, the dictator shall go.

Dudzai Mukondorongwe

Source - Dudzai Mukondorongwe
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More on: #Zanu-PF, #ZEC, #CCC