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Masvingo Mayor, a game changer in Zimbabwe's geriatric male dominated politics

24 Sep 2023 at 13:48hrs | Views
Following Zimbabwe's August 2023 general elections, 60 women were seconded into parliament through the proportional representation system, of these sixty, 33 are from Zanu Pf while 27 are from CCC. Considering that few women were making it via the direct ticket into both the Parliament and Senate, the proportional representation came at a good time so as to enable more participation of women in Zimbabwean politics.

Zimbabwe being typically a male dominated political arena, the appointment of a young mayor in Masvingo signifies a dynamic shift in Zimbabwean politics and we might see more new faces especially the degreed young females in the next general elections. The coming in of such educated young female politicians is good news for good governance.

The recent appointment of a young and energetic female Mayor in Masvingo is totally a game changer in the dynamics of Zimbabwean politics. The CCC leadership should be commended for giving the young leaders a chance as they will be able to bring new ideas that will shape progressive policies that will benefit the Masvingo residence.

The issue of water shortages and reduction of the quality of water delivered are a potential disaster to the welfare of citizens of Masvingo city. Provision of sufficient water needs to be coupled with increased stakeholder involvement, institutional development and capacity. The issue of refuse collection is another aspect that the new mayor should look into, as refuse collection in Masvingo city is now a time bomb and the city is slowly replicating Harare on prolonged uncollected and removed refuse and the aspect of waste management should be one of her to do list as well.

For too long Zimbabwe's political arena have been dominated by the guerrillas who feel entitled to occupy all the critical leadership positions in Zimbabwe and the elevation of the new Mayor of Masvingo Her Worship Shantel Chawara is totally a game changer and above all President Chamisa means serious political business in grooming the young political brooms.

In Epworth another young female lady Annah Sande was also elected to become the new Epworth Local Board Chairperson. Epworth being one of the most populated and underdeveloped places near Harare, the appointment of the new chairlady can also span-new ideas that can be able to remove Epworth from its poor development quagmire.

The new Epworth Local Board Chairperson will not have an easy term as she will be battling to end serious drug and substance abuse from the highly unemployed youths while at the same time tackling high crime rate which has turned Epworth to be a dangerous place both to work and live within. Commonly known as the hive of crime rate due to its accommodativeness to low-income earners surely the new chairperson will not have an easy five years ahead but the elevation of a young and vibrant lady will defiantly bring in a glimpse of rare hope.

With a lot of undocumented home owners, the new chairperson should brace up for a mountain task as she tries to negotiate with the government so that such home owners can be given their overdue tittle deeds. Poor development has also characterised the dormitory suburb and the new chairperson should push for development so that the secluded suburb can copy with the modern housing structures.

Above all the leader of the main opposition CCC President Chamisa has done extremely well in empowering young leaders both to take up the leadership roles in both local authorities and in Parliament.

Knowledge Hakata is a political analyst and can be contacted on

Source - Knowledge Hakata
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