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CCC update on disengagement

26 Oct 2023 at 15:19hrs | Views
On the 11th of October 2023, the Citizens Coalition for Change announced that it would be disengaging from Parliamentary and Local Authorities sittings for a temporary period of 14 days.

This disengagement is one of the measures we have instituted to demand respect for the people's votes, following the illegal recalls of our MPs, Senators, and Councilors by an imposter. During this period, the party has taken the following measures:

1. Approached the courts regarding the recalls issue.
2. Engaged the SADC region on the deteriorating political and constitutional situation in Zimbabwe.
3. Engaged Regional and International Parliamentary forums.
4. Engaged citizens to gather input on the next steps needed to restore legitimacy and normalcy to our body politic.

We are pleased to report progress on these measures and would like to inform you that:

1. The High Court will hear the matter of the illegal recalls on an urgent basis on November 2. 2023.

2. The final report of the SADC Electoral Observer Mission has been submitted and sill continue to be discussed within the key institutions of the bloc.

3. We have also made progress in our engagement with citizens and other key stakeholders regarding the exercise of our right to peaceful protest. as provided for in our constitution. both locally and in the diaspora.

Now that the temporary 14-day disengagement period has ended, we will continue to monitor progress on our key demands, review our action plans as appropriate, and consult further with key stakeholders. We urge all our deployees to actively address and attend to the issues faced by our citizens. To that extent, we would like to express our gratitude to all our deployees for their discipline, resilience, fortitude, and dedication to the citizens' cause.

We also want to thank the citizens for their support and discipline, despite the extreme provocation from the criminal and illegitimate regime currently ruling Zimbabwe.

Ostallos Siziba
Communications Department

Source - Ostallos Siziba
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