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An opposition within an opposition

08 Nov 2023 at 14:27hrs | Views
The Zimbabwean political history has been littered with opposition malcontents within itself for a very long time which has caused the weakening and splitting of the main opposition political party in the country.

The Movement for Democratic Change which was founded in 1999 has faced many splits during critical times when the majority of Zimbabweans thought change was now beckoning.

That is why the late  Dr Morgan Tsvangirayi could not make it because he was surrounded by sell outs, the likes of Obert Gutu, Douglas Mwonzora, Emmanuel Chiroto, Lilian Timveous, Elton Mangoma, James Maridadi, Gabriel Chaibva, Morgan Komichi just to mention a few. These have worked in cahoots with Zanu PF just for self aggrandisement. Today Nelson Chamisa is also facing the same problem.

In 2014 there was The Mandel meeting which was convened by the then Tendai Biti-led group which called for leadership renewal in the MDC-T, specifically that the late Tsvangirai step down.

During the meeting the renewal group resolved to suspend Tsvangirai and six other members of his inner circle, including Douglas Mwonzora who is now leading MDC-T and Nelson Chamisa who is now the leader of CCC.

Such disputes caused the formation of PDP which was led by Tendai Biti MDC-N led by Professor Welshman Ncube , MDC- M led by Professor AGO Mutambara and then MDC-99 led by Job Sikhala.

Within such political outfits the opposition was not spared of sell outs who always worked with the ruling party to derail the people's movement.

The modus operandi of Zanu PF has been targeting influential members of the opposition party where they are awarded with trinkets and kick backs to destroy and decimate the opposition from within.

When MDC-Alliance coalition idea was mooted, those who had left the party came back under the umbrella of the Alliance and power struggles within the Alliance started showing some shoots with Douglas Mwonzora and Morgan Komichi working round the clock to wrestle power from Nelson Chamisa.

They were successful and left Nelson Chamisa without any option but to form Citizens Coalition of Change which contested in 2022 by elections and won sizeable seats.

Today the craven of criminals and sellouts within the opposition continues unabated. This really shows that there are people in the opposition who don't  even care of the suffering of the majority but are just there for self enrichment.

The regime is now salivating for a 2/3 majority in parliament and using Sengezo Tshabangu as its proxy. This so called CCC Interim Secretary General recalled 15 members of the opposition causing by elections which are to be held on the 9th of December 2023.

Now Kucaca Phulu who was in PDP together with CCC Vice President Tendai Biti is also entangled in this sell out web giving the ruling party a free lunch in Mabvuku constituency where they failed to field a candidate after recalling the MP elect Kufahakutizwi Munyaradzi Febion. One cannot rule out a visible hand of Zanu PF in all this circus.

There is no need to destroy a place which you call a home. We have future people who must find a shelter in that place. Sengezo Tshabangu and his handlers have lost the plot big time and the citizens will punch back. The court of public opinion will judge them harshly.

Conflict resolution and management are key to solving disputes occurring in the opposition and this must be given a priority whenever matters of concern arise. There should be ways towards facilitating dialogue between the warring factions.

Source - Leonard Koni
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