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Zimbabwe's political parties have been taken over by modern day thugs, God have messy on us

11 Nov 2023 at 06:21hrs | Views
Zimbabwe's political parties have been taken over by modern day  thugs, God have messy on us. I have been saying it and now it's so obvious. After seeing a tweet from Hopewell Chin'ono @daddyhope 10/11/2023

The fact that Sengezo Tshabangu was able to open a bank account under CCC at CBZ shows why sane Zimbabweans don't trust the banking sector anymore, it now operates under the guidance of a political party, ZANUPF.
This is criminality facilitated by the government, a bank, and a political party.
This is Banana Republic stuff, it means anyone can open a bank account in your company's name and take money meant for you.
Even Robert Mugabe never sunk this low, this is disgusting!
Young people leave this Kwachustan Republic, it is now a lawless country, and it is the Government driving that lawlessness!


1. So Tshabangu left Bulawayo go to Harare to open a bank account in a Borrowdale branch? It could be interesting to know who really opened that bank account & who the signatories are.

2. That's exactly what I wanted to say. Thry guy is being used full time.

3. Account name: CITIZEN (singular) COALITION FOR CHANGE Party name: CITIZENS (plural) COALITION FOR CHANGE. This is where the deception is. GOZ will pay money to a bogus entity thinking its paying the party. The bank didn't do proper KYC. @adv

4. Party name is actually Citizens' Coalition for Change. Note the punctuation after Citizens... Shows that even the imposter can get the name of the party correctly. The baby is not his

5. I'm in shock that we cannot see that ZANU PF has always been this fraudulent all along! In fact Mugabe is the reason why we are in this mess, he kept these criminals as public officials for all his political career! This guy is just an upgrade to Mugabe 2.0

6. yep, it is insane. But we need to know the other signatories. I believe every org account must have at least 3 people, right? Did he forge Chamisa's signature? He is a greedy criminal.

7. That's the thing about corruption, it can only sink to new and worse levels of depravity ๐Ÿ“

8. Zanu pf and @edmnangagwa are exposing themselves. Banks corresponding with @CBZHoldings should know they are dealing with a rogue bank. CBZ should be sanctioned once again. They are now part of the people suffocating democracy in Zimbabwe.


9. Serious crime. This must stop. Forging a letter head

10. Chabangu is dealing neZanu and Zanu haingabvume kuti irikirwisa NC ne CCC bcoz of ma elections a August 2023 whereby CCC won by wide margin and zanu rigged the eelections

11. Is he not referring to the old CCC bank accounts which Coltart as Treasurer has been managing?

12. I don't think CCC had a CBZ bank account. Remember, Jonathan Moyo was always saying CCC are a bankless party. Moreover, I don't think there is any sane CCC member who can open a bank account with CBZ especially when considering that Zanu is the major shareholder there

13. To open a corporate bank account they will need 3 if not 4 signatories, so Tshabangu as SG works with who else to open a bank account?

14. Fraud alert ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ

15. This is written by George Charamba.He is the defacto prime Minister.

16. This is a good point . I have said the reason we are all affected by targeted sanctions is bcoz our banking system is poor at Know Your Customer processes. The reserve bank FCU  have chosen to turn a blind eye this is further evidence !!!

17. And you still blame Chamisa for these captured institutions

18. Remember CBZ is owned by Tagwirei, connect the dots

19. Absolutely unacceptable! This is a serious issue. Thank you for shedding light on it. It's crucial to address these challenges to ensure transparency and trust in the banking sector.

20. The old guys are upto anything to be in power, the reason why Africa will never develop,

The facts, Zimbabwe's political parties appear to be typical political organizations. There is a deep connection between the ruling elite and corruption in general. Both the ruling and opposition parties have become riddled with corruption and lawlessness, and have made politics their way to extreme fortune and unbridled power in Zimbabwe. For one to be successful today he/she has to curry favor with the ruling elite, where high-level political appointments inevitably lead to access to wealth through criminal and kleptocratic networks.

 After the military coup and the coming in of the 2nd republic in 2017, followed by the election in July 2018, Zimbabweans were hoping for the change of attitude and an end to the corrupt rule of Robert Mugabe and his kleptocratic networks. Before the military coup in 2017, the ruling elite were gradually consolidating their power in the Zimbabwe, and the ruling Zanu PF became a key element of the new system. They were effectively using their monopoly in state media, his use of administrative resources, and access to financial support from him oligarchs. The ruling elite gradually gained control over the entire legislative branch and all levels of government, making them automatic leaders of the ruling party and the ruling elite.

 Zimbabwe ruling political leadership, over the years of a de facto political monopoly, many top government ministers, officials and party representatives have been involved in widely publicized criminal cases. With ever-increasing frequency, Zanu PF members, governors and mayors representing the ruling elite have either been charged or imprisoned of corruption, abuse of office and bribery and even of being accused of masterminding political murders.

After Zimbabweans voted against a government supported constitution, the farm invasions and lawlessness at the turn of the twenty-first century was marked by a new trend, organized crime groups began penetrating government structures through both Zanu PF and MDC parties. Thieves and thugs of the 1990s and those who led the farm invasion for the 2000s and those who traded their leather jackets and gold chains for business suits and party membership cards and soon they too were occupying government offices. Criminal elements essentially began using the structure of the country's main political parties as a means of upward social mobility. It allowed them to be integrate into the government system and to gain access to resources.

This process led to a dramatic increase in corruption and to wide-scale theft of the nation's wealth. Criminal structures were establishing strict control over entire sectors of the Zimbabwean economy. Several regions were left completely at the mercy of organized crime groups acting under the protection of the ruling party and ruling elite.

Zanu PF's leadership has acknowledge that criminal activity among the party's membership is epidemic and has gone further to introduce the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC). The number of government officials arrested who occupy government positions stands at only four and will continue to grow. The geography of crimes involving members of the ruling elite covers the entire country, as well as every level of government. Anti-corrpution and the law enforcement bodies have achieved some success, they are generally unable to curb the corruption that has pervaded the entire country and in some cases has even reached the international arena, with the latest being the the conviction of Terrence Mukupe, the former deputy minister of Finance and awaiting his time in Zimbabwe's prisons.

Zimbabwe as the entire country is in the clutches of a venal system. In order for anyone to get access to the feeding trough of public funds, one must simply share one's profits with those who offer protection from above, meaning the corporate executives are now participates. As a result, since Zanu PF's rise to power, the party has established itself as the only route to upward mobility for criminal elements. These criminals have adapted, and have managed to successfully integrate themselves into national structures and government bodies by using the party's resources and party structures.

In supporting the political elites, Zimbabwe's citizens are contributing to a corrupt system that poses a danger to the state itself. For decades those in positions of responsibility have enjoyed a high degree of impunity, not taking precautions as they were confident they would not be caught or even arrested and convicted. The nation in general knows the state of corruption and  there is now a citizens' counter-attack behind the unveiling of the major corruption cases in Zimbabwe that  has caught them off-guard, with Hopewell Chin'ono leading the onslaught.

For Zimbabweans to tame corruption, it has to start with YOU.

Engineer Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi

Source - Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi
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