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Internal conflict and leadership crisis plague CCC

14 Nov 2023 at 00:03hrs | Views
The Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) is once again in the throes of internal conflict, as party factions led by Nelson Chamisa, Tendai Biti, Welshman Ncube, and Sengezo Tshabangu have escalated their disputes into a highly public spectacle. The recent drama, intensifying over the past three days, has seen supporters of these leaders engaging in bitter exchanges, with Biti's faction leading the charge, especially in light of his trending status on social media platform 'X'.

The heart of the dispute lies in allegations made by Chamisa against Biti and Ncube, accusing them of backing Tshabangu. In response, Biti has issued a statement expressing his distress over the opposition's current state and its impact on his personal life. He denies any role in the party's chaotic situation, positioning himself as a casualty of the power struggles he attributes to Chamisa.

Chamisa's leadership has been under scrutiny for some time. Critics argue that the chaos within the CCC dates back to his controversial rise to power in 2018, assisted by Luke Tamborinyoka. There are claims that Chamisa's refusal to establish formal party structures and a constitution is not a strategic move against ZANU PF, but rather a tactic to maintain his leadership position by preventing legitimate challenges.

The ongoing conflict, which has now spilled onto social media platforms, exposes the deep-rooted toxicity within the CCC. Previously, such disputes were confined to party offices and shielded from public view. However, the absence of physical party spaces has resulted in these confrontations becoming public spectacles.

This public feud has led to the disclosure of sensitive party information, revealing the internal power struggles and contradicting the narrative that external forces are solely responsible for the opposition's turmoil. Observers note that the levels of hostility displayed on social media are alarming and have raised concerns about potential breaches of peace in the post-election period. The situation calls for law enforcement attention, especially given the threats of physical confrontation among some party members.

Source - X
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