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Will stand by Biti, Welshman Ncube

11 Feb 2024 at 17:29hrs | Views
The departure of Nelson Chamisa from the Citizens  Coalition for Change CCC is clear evidence of selfishness and greedy attitude.

Nelson Chamisa is a tricky and suspicious opposition leader whose antics make the majority of us suspect his links with the dreaded Central Intelligence Organisation CIO.

After loosing the Presidential elections to Emmerson Mnangagwa Chamisa promised joy to the dejected citizenry,building false hope, pretending to be planning something very big yet he working in cahoots with the Zanu pf administration.

In formation has reached our ears that he has been Nicodemously visiting Emmerson  Mnangagwa for money.

A lot of nonsense has been peddled by some foolish members of the obscure bue movement smearing the good standing of Professor Welshman Ncube  and Hon Tendai Biti which is not acceptable.Chamisa fired everybody from the party and ring fenced his own position.What were they supposed to do?

Come rain come thunder we will stand by the two leaders and we are more convinced that they are much smarter than the power hungry Nelson Chamisa.

Welshman Ncube and Tendai Biti are not part of the Sengezo Tshabangu team.They represent the remaining crop of democratic leaders.

We are saddened by the attitude of one Ostalos Siziba a tribal sellout who together with Amos Chibaya the only surviving bus conductor who has ascended to the top as a result of bootlicking managed to destroy the people's project.

After all CCC is a coalition not a political party and so was the MDC Alliance meaning that the parties to the pact have their original homes,The PDP and the MDC did not dissolve their parties when they entered into an alliance with Morgan Tsvangairai.

There is nothing wrong in working together and it could have been foolish for them to ignore the begging by Tsvangirai.

Noone is desperate for a political home,Chamisa can continue with his obscure and solo project while we mobilise the masses for a much better Zimbabwe.

The Chamisa movement is a shona tribal project which is ideologically bankrupt and clearly undemocratic.It is Chamisa's personal project meant to prolong the Zanu pf stay in power.

He single handedly destroyed the CCC after changing its meaning to Chamisa Chete-chete.Chamisa must keep his ego and we shall keep our votes.

Gugugu Magorira

Source - Gugugu Magorira
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