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Of CCC and the future of opposition politics in Zimbabwe

20 Feb 2024 at 16:23hrs | Views
The ascent of Nelson Chamisa to the leadership of the MDC Alliance and later the CCC (Citizens Coalition for Change) with the support of Tendai Biti and Prof Welshman Ncube has been widely discussed. The succession followed the passing of Morgan Tsvangirai, and the events surrounding his death, including the public relations spectacle orchestrated by the 2017 coup leadership of Emerson Mnangagwa, have been a topic of scrutiny.

A significant yet untold episode involves a national leadership meeting where military commanders allegedly threatened the MDC Alliance leadership with mass beatings if they condemned the coup. The details of this meeting and the subsequent leak of information raise questions about the dynamics within the opposition at that crucial juncture.

As an observer without a political or historical background, I find it perplexing how individuals labeled as sell-outs in 2000, who had established successful private lives, are now key figures in the political landscape. Tendai Biti and Prof Welshman Ncube, successful businesspersons, seem to have different motivations compared to politicians like Chamisa, Ostallos, and Chibaya, whose lives appear intricately tied to the political arena.

Recent developments, particularly Jacob Mafume's announcement of the takeover by Gweru congress structures, and Promise Mkhwananzi's claim to leadership, reveal a complex web of allegiances. Mkhwananzi and Siziba, once associated with Zanu PF coup plotting vehicles, are now seemingly aligned with Chamisa. The presence of Vongai Tombe from the Mujuru-led Peoples Rainbow Coalition in Mkhwananzi's press conference adds another layer of intrigue to this political drama.

The CCC, in its current state, appears fragmented with three factions. Jameson Timba, a Chamisa ally, leads one faction, which, along with others, seems intent on undermining the party. Sengezo Tshabangu, spearheading recalls, represents another faction, while a third faction comprises leaders elected at the Gweru congress in 2019, who feel betrayed by Chamisa's collaboration with certain individuals.

Notably, Prof Welshman Ncube has assumed a leadership role, presenting an opportunity for reconciliation within the party. However, engaging Sengezo Tshabangu is crucial for restoring stability. Sacrifices may be necessary, such as allowing Tshabangu to remain a senator, in exchange for returning the party to lawful leadership.

The CCC, facing internal strife and external pressures, must focus on building a genuine alternative to Zanu PF. A transparent and open debate on ideology, policies, and conduct is essential. The party needs to offer sound policies, intensive political education, and a clear vision for Zimbabwe's future, transcending the allure of empty rhetoric.

In the intricate world of Zimbabwean opposition politics, the road to freedom remains uncertain, but the CCC's ability to navigate these challenges will determine its role in shaping the nation's destiny.

Source - George Tshuma
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