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Tribute to my President Dr. Hage G. Giengob

24 Feb 2024 at 12:52hrs | Views
Dear Mr. President, only if I knew, your sickness was that serious. I lament not praying for you while you needed not only my prayers but the whole nation to unite and fight for you in prayers. Instead alongside the media companies we kept inquiring when are you leaving the office for young and vibrant leaders, we kept addressing you questions to fulfill our possess interface.

When I heard the sudden news of your passing it took me days to handle it. It was more of a dream many could not comprehend, not as it were me. I truly thought the USA had something to do with your passing. I was at the skirt of composing a letter to the American Government office to clarify to us what truly happened. Small did we know whereas we were busy calling you names and corrupting your appearance you were serving through pain.

Your passing to you was never an abrupt case that is why you'd continuously remind us in most of your addresses that tomorrow you may not be here and undoubtedly today you're not here. You sacrificed your health for Namibia not since your inclusion within the legislative issues of this country but it was simply out of adoration.

You were such an expectational pioneer that cleared a clearer way for different pioneers through transformational administration abilities and capacities.

After your burial hypotheses of you being corrupt might erupt with most of them being created in order to discolor your legitimate picture not just inside the borders of Namibian but moreover to the worldwide community in order to counter attack the accolades you have obtained at the global stage. It is so sad to see how African countries are being decimated by the universal community in spite of African nations being autonomous, however the adversary keeps attacking our imperial and autonomous landmass.

Presently we are made to abhor each other. Our foes aren't ourselves but our foes are diseases, civil war and coup, starvation, IMF and World Bank's loan that gave birth to corruption. Until we figure out who reserves or funds corruption, who gives us weapons to draw out gracious wars, where are the infections made we'll keep slaughtering and imprisoning ourselves.

Amid your rule as president numerous needed you to run the show in partiality. I am beautiful beyond any doubt you made more adversaries amid your rule as president than amid the battle period and your entire life some time recently getting to be the CIC. Most of these enemies exuded from your individual Swapo cadres since they needed you to serve Swapo only overlooking that you simply were the president of the nation of which I know you cherished Namibia more than you loved Swapo that is why your activities and choices were continuously centered around inclusivity.

You knew no tribe in Namibia, in spite of the fact that youthful leaders who are so keen to lead like Dr. Job Amupanda utilized your title to gain ubiquity and pick up more political support. I trust he is cheerful and presently since you are  dead? One would surely say he needed you either in jail or out of power. Him Job Amupanda has a tremendous obligation to swallow all his ill-words that he has spoken against you. He must clear your title for utilizing tribalism to make a wrong impression within the country whereas picking up popularity while saving the genuine guilty parties.

The former President fought a good fight and embodied the spirit of resilience in all his fights as he was fighting for the total freedom of Namibia from the oppressor amid the colonial time. The late President attempted diligently to implant the same spirit hereto alluding to the spirit of resilience within free Namibia during his tenure within the leadership of Namibia whereas serving in several political societies and most critically as the Head of State.

Within the battle of the autonomy he stood immovably with Namibia, in ailment and torment he kept fighting for an comprehensive Namibia. He has persevered through all cruel conditions on soil and nowadays we stay not only with history but unmistakable comes about or natural products of what he has been planting since he joined the bandwagon to guarantee that Namibia is free from the colonial persecution and colonialism.

In his voice, "you see how I am standing here because I am not feeling well, and you tell me I want to travel? I have been travelling since the 1960s" - Mr. President Geingob

You've joined the divine world, greet the rest of the fathers and sons of Pan-Africanism and direct and coordinate us from the divinity. We are not going to back off, we'll proceed where you left. Your passing is a very colossal misfortune to Namibia, Africa and the whole world.

Rest in control awesome lion, courageous warrior, a legend, son of the soil, may your bequest and spirit proceed to live on. May your awesome soul rest in peace, control and power. Aluta Continua. Evictoria Exerta

Source - Hosea Hatshaambo Shishiveni
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