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Zimbabwe govt lifts suspension on three killer buses

03 Jun 2024 at 15:07hrs | Views
The government has lifted the suspension on the licences of three public transport operators after conducting a review of their operations.

Swaymo Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd, trading as Blue Circle; Wipeco Investments (Pvt) Ltd, trading as City Bus; and Simlex Coaches (Pvt) Ltd had their licences suspended following recent fatal accidents.

The operators' buses were withdrawn from their routes until authorities conducted a review to ensure full compliance with the law.

Speaking to journalists in Harare, Transport and Infrastructural Development Minister Felix Mhona announced that the government has lifted the suspension on all the buses.

"The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development wishes to advise the public that it has lifted the suspension of the licences for operation of all omnibuses belonging to Swaymo Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd; Wipeco Investments (Pvt) Ltd; and Simlex Coaches (Pvt) Ltd with effect from 3 June 2024.

"The operators breached the terms and conditions of their licences, leading to fatal road crashes on 9 and 16 March 2024 in Western Cape, South Africa, and in Beitbridge, respectively.

"They operated public service vehicles without valid motor and passenger insurances, certificates of roadworthiness, road service permits, installed speed monitoring and limiting devices, and employed drivers without the requisite competencies," he explained.

Source - The Herald
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