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Who is Chivhayo panyama yehuku?…as Youth League bays for his blood

15 Jun 2024 at 12:14hrs | Views
Businessman, Wicknell Chivhayo, who was once convicted of fraud, is caught in a firestorm after showing that he has the physical stature of an elephant, but the mental acuity of an ant, having excitedly misinterpreted ZANU PF's acceptance as gullibility, and subsequently failed.

The National Youth League (NYL), the vanguard of the Revolutionary Party, has come out guns blazing after damning evidence of Chivhayo's low regard for the Head of State, and his equally infuriating press statement to 'exonerate' himself.

Following his grandstanding typical of a midget in giant robes, after getting access to President Emmerson Mnangagwa, whose open-door policy and support for young entrepreneurs is known, Chivhayo has been exposed as an avaricious, loquacious, opportunistic vulture, whose braggadocio has had him in the cross hairs after precariously flying too close to the sun like the proverbial Icarius.

What has exacerbated Chivhayo's tenuous position is his shocking failure to understand that 'kangoma kana koririsa kanenge koda kuparuka.' The office and person of the Head of State is sacrosanct. Both must be treated with the respect and dignity they deserve, not for some excitable braggadocio to impugn and belittle the face of Zimbabwe all in the name of intimidating business rivals.

The verbose and inaccurately worded and ill-thought pretentious press statement feigning an apology to the President and First Family was tantamount to adding salt to injury. Chivhayo is the proverbial fly that follows the corpse into the grave!

 He accused his business allies of being illiterate, but his reckless actions and name dropping ironically expose him for the charlatan that he is – highly illiterate! His illiteracy is in full glare, trying to insinuate that it was voice cloning through AI. Zimbabweans are not gullible, naïve nor illiterate, let alone the literate and tech-savvy Youth League!

The Youth League must seriously consider a peaceful, orderly demonstration at Chivhayo's business premises to send the stern message home that dare not touch the anointed.

Source - Tonderai Ndoro
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