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Of all the don'ts, send Mnangagwa begging UNGA for US$5.8b food aid for SADC; he's eyeing 'pound of flesh' cut for himself

3 hrs ago | Views
Of all the SADC leaders to be begging for food aid on behalf of SADC,  Emmerson Mnangagwa would be the last leader anyone would choose to do it!

"President Emmerson Mnangagwa has taken the urgent plea for assistance from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), seeking support to combat the devastating effects of the El NiƱo-induced drought that has left millions at risk of hunger. The SADC has launched an international humanitarian appeal amounting to US$5.8 billion to address the growing food security crisis in the region," reported Bulawayo24.

"Mnangagwa, who assumed the presidency of SADC during the bloc's summit in Harare, Zimbabwe, in August, was unable to attend the UNGA in New York for unspecified reasons. Instead, he was represented by Foreign Affairs Minister Frederick Shava, who delivered Zimbabwe's address on his behalf on Wednesday night.

According to reports, approximately 68 million people - about 17% of the total population across Southern Africa."

Could not have picked a worse person to beg for food on behalf of the starving - Mnangagwa, THE fat cat, renowned for wasteful incompetence and looting! Who has not heard of how Zanu PF destroyed Zimbabwe's once upon a time productive agricultural sector by seizing the farms from the whites to give to unproductive ruling elite and the cronies. There is wholesale looting in Zimbabwe and Mnangagwa and his cronies are the godfathers of it all!

There are millions of Zimbabweans who are starving but that did not stop Mnangagwa squander US$5 billion plus in bribes from povo with chicken and chips, chiefs and church leaders with new cars right up to MPs, Judges and Ministers with US$ 40k, 400k and 500k housing "loans" respectively.

Mnangagwa has his beady eyes set on winning 2028 elections to extend his rule beyond the constitution two term limit. And the new cycle of bribing key players has already kick off with chiefs receiving new trucks only last week.

Whatever the donor give, everyone knows that Mnangagwa and his cronies will have their "pound of flesh" one way or the other!

For the period Mnangagwa remains SADC chairman, each individual country would be better off handling its own affairs even when collective regional action would be called for. Having Mnangagwa leading that collective action is a curse, given his notoriety. For one thing Mnangagwa is illegitimacy, SADC election observers condemned 2023 elections as flawed and illegal.

The regional body did not take the next rational step of publicly denying Zanu PF political legitimacy because Nelson Chamisa and his CCC fiends (out of greed) and millions his brain dead supporters (out of sheer stupidity) had participated in the flawed elections.

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More on: #SADC, #UNGA, #Ood_aid